Moonlight Embrace [Night Elf+Worgen RP]

“Reclaiming Kalimdor. Protecting our people. Restoring The Balance. Bringing Vengeance for our fallen. These key duties for me have never changed, but they are needed to be upheld more than ever. Those brave warriors who fell trying to defend our lands in the absence of our army must be avenged. They watch down upon us from Mother Moon radiance in the skies, we must show them that their sacrifice was not for nothing. The Horde spits on peace and once again slaughter our people and defile our forests as they have always done. Enough is enough. The Kaldorei will have justice. The Night Warriors Vengeance will not cease until the red flag has been completely obliterated. The boy-king across the seas has decided that his Human kingdoms are more important than the people who have served The Alliance with nothing but loyalty…it matters not, we will have Vengeance with or without The Alliance. Those who threaten our people will be made to suffer and we will rebuild stronger than ever before. Andu-falah-dor! Vengeance will be ours.”—Anaelisa Winterblossom

This is Moonlight Embrace. This is a guild primarily focused on how the events from Legion into Battle for Azeroth reflect on the society of Night Elves and how these otherwise tremendously long-lived people respond to near-genocide. Our guild is structured in such a way that we are open to all aspects of Night Elf roleplay from the vengeful Army of the Black Moon to Demon Hunters bereft of purpose in a world that has largely moved on to Druids who wish to restore The Balance. One thing we all have in common is vengeance. We integrate these many different characters in a guild that is neither a military order or a leader but more of a societal and political affiliation. Our roleplay is character-driven and that is ingrained in how the guild practically functions. In addition, the view we hold on Worgen characters is that they are children of Goldrinn whereas Night Elves are children of Elune, and as a result, viewed as blessed creatures. With the Worgen aided in Darkshore our ongoing alliance remains and our similar goals for vengeance against the Banshee and her foul Horde. We recruit both Night Elves and Worgen

Since we are such a diverse lot our guild is split into several distinct branches, those being the Sentinels, the Watchers, the Druids, the Loreweavers, the Priesthood and the Demon Hunters. Each section holds its own representative on the council, and they each fulfil a distinct role and purpose within Moonlight as a whole. Each branch has a tendency of focusing upon different types of Roleplay that is appropriate to their central fantasy and so our events tend to vary quite a bit depending on who is hosting.

The Sentinels

The Sentinels of Moonlight Embrace have a single purpose; guarding and overseeing the protection of the civilians, as well as everyone else affiliated with the Embrace. They work, train and function together as a single unit, which can and most often will be embarked upon missions of the other wings of the Embrace. Heavily based on Military RP, the events/missions usually consist of hunting & catching stray Horde forces, assaulting messengers, protecting outposts as well as safeguarding the missions of other wings and units. Rhodina Galestorm currently leads The Sentinels.

The Watchers

Whether it aiding Moonlight Embrace with scouting, assassinating or jailing their prey. The Watchers make sure they bring the iron hand of justice to those who deserve The Night Warriors vengeance. As devoted protectors of their people and committed upholders of the law, these feared predators of the night capture or execute the most elite criminals that threaten The Kaldorei, making sure that justice is served and the guilty suffer.

As a Watcher, you will be the judge, jury and executioner of those who fight against life and seek to harm your people. Through a combination of expert tracking, an exceptional mastery of martial arts, stealth, a swift grasp of quicking entering and exiting combat and vindictive unforgiving shadow magic your enemies will fear you as you bring justice to them in the name of Mother Moon and The Kaldorei. Andu-falah-dor, may justice be done! Anaelisa Winterblossom currently leads The Watchers

The Priesthood

Moonlight’s Embrace’s spiritual and warpath find their foundation in the duality of Elune as both Mother Moon and Night Warrior. In these troubled times of war and distress, each member of the Priesthood of the Following is called to bring the comfort of the presence of Elune to The Night Elves and Worgen who fight the enemies of the Kaldorei on their land and abroad bolstering their strength and morale as well as bringing the Following closer to Elune’s word and Kaldorei traditions. Priestesses and Priests are called to help whoever is in need by offering their knowledge and encouragement with sermons and words of wisdom, by being present in the daily life of the community with their faith, by bringing solace and healing with their prayers and mending skills. Also, they are called to uphold the culture of the Kaldorei, helping their society survive and possibly thrive in spite of the huge loss of lives of the recent period. Cinelyn Rosesky leads the Priesthood

The Loreweavers

It is certainly unorthodox for there to be a dedicated group of arcanists in a Kaldorei following, but the Loreweavers fulfill a necessary role within Moonlight, as the guild frequently comes across items of magic both fair and foul in their various adventures and missions as well lost pieces of lore and knowledge that must be safeguarded. It is the solemn duty of these men and women, Elves and Worgen alike to catalogue and store these objects away in their personal vault for redistribution among deserving warriors of Kalimdor. Although occasionally objects are found that are too dangerous and vile to be repurposed for the benefit of Moonlight and such items are locked away in the Vault and studied for insight into the enemies plans. In addition to these important duties, the Loreweavers are trained in arcane magic and lend its considerable power to the Moonlight Embraces noble cause. Lymeldra Dawnseeker currently leads The Loreweavers

The Druids

Moonlight Embrace’s druidic circle consists of all of the Kaldorei’s built up culture from aeons past to the present Worgen additions, the Druids mainly serve a utility role within the Kaldorei culture and that reflects within the Moonlight Embrace quite heavily as the druids can fill many roles that may be needed.
No matter which druid that ends up within Moonlight Embrace their duties are very clear and stay close to what they were before joining, preserving the balance and protecting the Kaldorei people are both prime goals of the druids within Moonlight Embrace in terms of cultural duties. Our duty is to restore and uphold The Balance whether that be healing corruption from the land, tending to the ecosystems or removing the foul parasitic Horde from our sacred forests.
Within the combative field, utility is our role, every druid capable of bringing a very wide set of skills to each given scenario, making every encounter with a druid unpredictable. Protection, ruthless unforgiven savagery and restoration of health for both members of Moonlight Embrace and the surrounding wilds are amongst the many skills we bring to Moonlight Embrace.

We are the balance The Horde breaks themselves on, nature endures and so shall we.

The Demon Hunters

These powerful beings are no strangers to vengeance. With tremendous commitment, resolve and sacrifice The Demon Hunters greatly aided the protection of Azeroth from the destructive forces of The Burning Legion.

Their duty, however, is not over. They did not save their people from destruction of The Burning Legion only to have them slaughtered by The Horde. Once more The Demon Hunters are needed to protect both the land and their people from destruction. Whether it be using their sight to uncover hidden enemies, using their mastery of chaos magic to bring destruction to our strongest foes, defeating their own brethren who stand alongside The Horde or granting their knowledge on corruptive magical artefacts that may be used against us or that we may find, The Demon Hunters are once more called upon to save the world. This time from the forces of death that came for The Kaldorei.


Seeing as you have a fairly large roster and a -very- wide variety of characters, can you give some details or examples of how your guild events look like? Their numbers, the focus, how you encourage character development and so on. Of course the latter is also up to the individual and his investment, but I mean from your side.

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smells like musk in here


Of course! Our events are usually focused upon a contemporary threat to the Kaldorei, which can range from taking out Horde logging camps, disrupting the transportation of Blight Throwers or dealing with other threats such as the Naga.

We focus primarily on storytelling throughout our events, introducing enemies that may or may not be defeated depending on how the guild reacts within the event. Since we have such a wide range of roles within our guild we design different situations to play to the strengths and weaknesses of each section. We try to get the best out each character participating by offering scenarios where their particular character may thrive along with scenarios where they may be challenged and will need to work alongside another section of the guild. The Watchers, for example, may be more suited in a scenario where a target needs to be scouted out and assassinated silently compared to The Loreweavers who may be better suited against magical opponents or discovering magical artefacts. Our events have multiple paths which the guild can choose to go down which may lead to them discovering another enemy along the story or finding a magical artefact that they can use later on within the event (or maybe within a follow-up event).

On average right now we get between 5-10 people attending our events which we run on a Thursday 8:00 pm server time and Saturday 8:00 pm2 server time. Our events use a turn-based free emote system where combat is split into “Enemy turn” where the DM will emote the foe and “Player turn” where the player responds to the foe.


Looks interesting! Always good to see more Night Elf guilds!


One of the best night elf guilds Around, being what truly a night elf should be …
Cool people, Anaelisa herself is awesome…



Strongly recommended

P.S: i am a good orc


Love this concept and Worgen friendly too! Nice :slight_smile:


Are all your events on this Thursday/Sunday rotation?

Our primary events are locked per those days, but we do squeeze in events in between that involve personal storylines.
(You are also allowed to do this, if you consult with an officer we try to make that happen.)
Hope that answered your question.


It’s been a good couple of weeks. Our active roster has grown rapidly and there’s social RP most evenings in between our bi-weekly storylines that have kicked off in Darkshore and Ashenvale.

Swing by Astranaar and meet us!


Seems like a nice guild concept.

I just made this Night Elf Druid character a couple of days ago.

Am actually really happy with the concept I thought up for him and am willing to do a serious effort to get to RP him properly, even though it will be my first time RP’ing both as a Night Elf and a Druid.

I am an experienced RP’er however but mostly have experience with Gnome Tinker and Pandaren Monk RP.

Still have a bit of research left in Night Elf and Druid lore to be ready, but already done some reading up and taking notes, from the rather immense amount of material on this topic.

Aim at being ready to RP him so he can participate in the Heart of the Forrest event coming up the 13th of April in Feralas.

I would be interested in joining your guild with him, if you think he can fit in, unless me being new at this and him being a rather young Night Elf of just 152 years and only having trained as a Druid for about 5 years will be an issue?


Hi Eallaidasil, thanks for showing interest!

We gladly accept people who are new to Night Elf roleplay, because everyone starts somewhere, and we hope we can provide a good environment for your character to grow and develop to your enjoyment. Especially if you’re putting in that much effort! :slight_smile:

We have no issues with accepting a young Night Elf, because at a minimum it’ll provide you and us with more RP, and it’ll give the Druids of the guild someone that they can RP with in a student-teacher manner. Whether your character has a genuine IC Shan’do or will be taught off-screen is entirely up to you though.

Uodrieth will look out for when you come online and give you a poke to discuss things in more detail over whisper.

Looking forward to hopefully roleplaying with you soon!


Thanks for the reply, sounds great :slight_smile:

Looking forward to hopefully get to RP with you and the rest of Moonlight Embrace if I get accepted as a member.

At the moment I am quite hyped about starting to RP Eallai’dasil, both because RP’ing a Night Elf as well as a Druid will be something totally new for me, but also not least because I love Druid WoW lore and I am actually really pleased with the concept I came up with for him.

But, as said, I still have a bit of research left to do before I feel I will be able to give it a proper shot, honestly the amount of Druid and Night Elf lore is slightly intimidating to me, but hopefully I’ll be able to remember the most crucial stuff for being able to RP one decently.

If you are curious as to the concept I came up with for Eallai’dasil I already put up an Argent Archives profile for him including a background story (since this forum won’t allow me to link to the profile here’s the last part of the link after the main site address): /node/223947

And yes, him already having a Shan’do, that I will then will have to play off screen, is kind of a pretty essential part of the background story I wrote for him.


Looks good! His history being as it is will give you a lot to RP with, and you can’t really ask for more than that. :smile:

I can already tell that he’ll have some interesting interactions with a certain member of the guild…


Wanted to give a bump, and recommend this cool bunch once again, also share this :smiley:
A theme for this guild, nostalgia for most of us


My turn to give this guild thread a bit of a bump! The most friendly and welcoming community I have joined and had the pleasure of RPing with in years. If you enjoy elven RP and want to retake Kalimdor, I can think of no better guild to throw yourself into :slight_smile:


Sorry for never getting back to you.

I never got to read up on the stuff I still felt I missed to be able to RP Ellai’dasil properly, and instead began RP’ing yet another Gnome character.

I am however still really happy about the concept I thought up for him and still interested in getting into Night Elf and Druid RP at some point with him, and when I do I will still be very interested in joining your guild and let you know.


Looking forward to meeting him when you get round to launching the concept! From what you posted before he should fit right in with us :slight_smile:

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Just want to say, from a fellow ‘Moonlight’ guild. We wish you all the best and hope things are going wonderfully from the Shal’dorei sisterhood! Elune-adore!

Have a wonderful time RP’ing you guys! Keep the Kaldorei community strong and faithful!

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Sniff sniff, what is this heresy I smell? No true worshippers of Elune would ignore her call to arms. The Goddess demands blood for Teldrassil, and the destruction of the Horde for their many crimes against her children. What are -you- doing to further the will of Elune?