Looking for a Guild on Shadowsong

Hello all. I will get straight to the point. I wish to do Mythics and Raids at max level, maybe some PvP, and would like to join a guild. I play both factions and would like to join a guild on each. I’ll give you the bad news first: I have no experience with any of these activities and, due to the job I have, work unsociable hours some days. The characters I would like to find guilds for are:

Vamora - Level 51 Vulpera [Affliction] Warlock
Roguerage - Level 30 Worgen [Assassination] Rogue

I am looking for a fun, friendly, helpful and patient bunch of people to show me the ropes of how things work and what I should do. Mistakes will be made so please don’t reply if you get angry easily. I need to learn and mistakes are part of that process. I prefer to play as a DPS but if it will help the guild out I don’t mind learning a Tanking and/or Healing spec. I just want to be given a chance as I’ll never learn without one. I pay to play just like everyone else.

If any of you have the space, patience and are willing to use some of your time to teach me then please let me know. I thank you for reading and look forward to hearing from some of you soon.

Edit #1: I forgot to mention that I am in the UK. Scotland, to be exact. :smiley:

I posted this three days ago with a very positive and optimistic mind… How wrong was I ? Despite the fact that people are reading this topic, nobody has left a reply and I have had no contact in-game from anyone. Because of this, I am no longer looking for a guild as it is clear nobody is willing to help anyone on this game anymore. You can lock/delete this topic now Blizz; I don’t need it anymore.

Whisper me in-game, and I can send you a link for the Realm Discord channel and ask in there. :slight_smile: I’d love to have you, but my guild is all-druids and we don’t do Mythic Raiding.

Going with no experience straight into a Mythic Raiding Guild might also be a bit ambitious, and that may be why no one has replied? I dunno. Making mistakes in a Mythic raid means instant wipe in most cases…
I’d recommend you starting with joining a Heroic raiding guild, and work your way up to joining a Mythic later on. Plenty of room for error in Normal and Heroic raiding. :slight_smile: