Looking for a guild


This feels like online dateing :crazy_face:
Here goes:
I just moved my horde characters to this server, and I am looking for a guild to have a laugh and maybe run a m+ or two.
I have been playing since vanilla, my hordes have been somewhat neglected in Shadowlands, but I hope to atleast get them a little more active now.
RL me is past the 30s (just barely), with family and responsebilities.
Mainly looking for a mature, casual guild. Wow can be a bit lonely with no green text :slight_smile:


Our guild is currently recruiting for the new raid. If you’re interested in raiding you can come join us for that or as a social.

We’re a Social Raiding guild who do Heroic Content. So while being reliable, showing up to raids, and knowing your class is important it is also important to us that we find other sociable people who we can have some banter with on Discord.
Our Raid Nights: Monday and Thursday 20:30 - 23:30 server time

Twilightsky#2695 if you’re interested.

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