Looking for a Guild

Hey ppl,

after a long break and after years as a horde player, i decided to do a fresh start as alliance.

I was activly raiding in CN and took a break afterwards because the lack of content during 9.0 was just too big.

I plan to play Healer but im currently undecided about my main (priest/paly/shaman).

Any way besides this, I am looking for a guild for raiding and M+ but mainly for a nice community.

I am not an Hardcore Player but dedicated.

I will leave my details here, so if u have questions or like to chat, feel free to contact me.

Greetins Minory


Hey Minory

We are a small but active roster pushing keys atm and raiding very casual, as most of the roster is off for the summer. We are getting the guild ready for Dragonflight and are recruiting new members that wanna chill with m+ and hc raid a bit before DF comes out.

Feel free to whisper any in the guild for an invite.


Hey Minory if you still search guild be free to poke me ingame or discord for inv we are raiding and m+ guild.Nice community ^^

Teo™#8097 Discord :slight_smile:

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