Looking for a Guild

I currently play on Twilight’s Hammer but due to the low population I am looking to move realms and have chosen Saurfang. I won’t bore you with small details and just get straight into it. I am looking for an active, friendly and helpful guild.

I play both factions so would prefer a cross-faction guild, if possible. What am I looking for? Honestly, I’d settle for Mythic dungeons as I am unable to commit to raiding due to my job and the hours which I work, not to mention my severe lack of raiding experience. That said, if an opportunity to join a raid presented itself then I would gratefully accept. I am always willing to learn and improve. I just want to be given a chance. I hate being constantly overlooked or insulted because of my gear, DPS and lack of achievements.

If you are willing and able to give me a chance then let us chat! Please find me in-game or add redacted. Thank you.

Edit #1 @ 01:19 on 19th Sept 2024 - It seems such a guild does not exist so I have cancelled my search.

SaveCowEatPanda is now recruiting discord seduction stress testers. Preferably a counseling psychologist. REQ: Friendly, socially unacceptable, tirelessly talkative, spiritually intense. Knowledge of w**d growing is a bonus! discord.gg/hrzF4ru and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

(post deleted by author)