I’m not interested in raiding anymore for now. I am coming back after a break and I am looking for a more social orientated guild. The game is very lonely if you’re out of the raiding scene. I’m not interested in raiding focused guilds at all. I don’t see the point in being a social in a guild where if you’re not a raider you don’t get spoken to, or that the only group events done are raids.
My preference is Horde, but happy to play alliance for the right group of friends.
Heya Hug! Our friendly, active guild on Magtheridon server (horde side) welcomes people who are looking to do all kinds of things. We do raid, but that doesn’t mean non-raiders are ignored! 
A little bit about the guild -
We run lots of M+ dungeons together for gearing up and fun times! 
We have regular social events that anyone can join
We have people who love to collect mounts/pets/transmog and run the content together.
We have people about most of the day and use Discord to keep in touch even when we can’t be online in-game.
If you’d like more info, hit me up on DIscord (Tea003#8087) or in game (Tea003#2501) for a chat! I look forward to hearing from you! 
Hey, Spoons is a guild that knows that whilst you love to play Wow you can also have a life. We’re friendly, mature bunch with some “adult humor” included. We aim to clear Heroic every tier and raid on thursdays and sundays 20.15 server time. We have few M+ teams that run regulary.
Add gamefreak26#2212 if ur interested
Hi… not sure if you have found a new forever home as yet? but if you are still looking and fancy being a goodie goodie… then you would be very welcome over at Only Fools with Horses, here is our original recruitment post… Only Fools With Horses is recruiting ~ Mogs
Haloo :3 I don’t know if you are still looking for a new home but in any case we have an active chill social guild on Silvermoon called “Eye of the Midnight Sun”. We are looking for more friends to help grow the family. We enjoy to chat, leveling, achievements, mogruns, casual m+/bgs. New players are welcome. Looms unlocked.
Feel free to poke one of us in game for more info