Looking for a new home - Social & Progression Hybrid

Alright so after moving from guild to guild and getting frustrated, maybe writing in the forums couldn’t hurt.

So, straight to the point - I look for a guild that does mythic raiding and high keys (10-15s, even 20s, if I’ll get there) but isn’t a damn sweatfest.

I wanna do endgame content, but I wanna do it with people I enjoy their company.
I had too many progress guilds where no one could care any less about the others and everyone viewed each other as just tools for progress, I was also in tons of friendly and social guilds who couldn’t do a +7 (And that’s before season 4…)

I’m 3k and my parses are 90+, but it’s not worth anything if I don’t enjoy my time getting to these achievements.
I did this with all 3 Priests specs but willing to try and learn another class if needed, can’t promise I’ll master it quickly though.
I’m also comfortable with Frost DK & BM Hunter currently.

So yeah, if your guild does endgame content and you’re sure that the people are friendly there, I’d love to join.

I’m currently playing on Ravencrest on the Alliance side, but I’m open to swap if needed.

  • Can’t raid on Thursdays & Saturdays unfortunately <3
    Sunday & Wednesday would be best but I’m flexible.

Thanks for reading all of that and hope you have a nice day!

Feel free to read here :slight_smile:
[Lancaster Bombers] [ENG] [Draenor] [Recruiting for TWW] - Recruitment / Looking for Players – PvE - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time - Raiding Days could change in TWW
we are 9/9H pugging 4/9M and currently opening Raid trains for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information

Hello there

I would love to have a chat with you, so feel free to join the following discord server https://discord.gg/BVJXeeETxX or add on me on battlenet:Dulmor#21560

Best Regards

Visit [Lancaster Bombers] [ENG] [Draenor] [Recruiting for TWW] - #3 by Julesne-draenor