Hey there! Im Vin 29 years old from the Netherlands. I have played on and off for about 10+ years. And i have been burnt out more times that im willing to admit. But WoW always pulled me back. Im looking for a stable guild that does some m+ and a bit of raiding. Also i like to dip my toes in pvp and would like a group that also does this
I think we could have the guild you are looking for. Check out our recruitment link, and if you think we sound like we’re a fit for you, do feel free to contact me via the information listed in the post. We are young, but growing fast, and with the most amazing, mature, friendly adults in all of WoW!
We’re a small but active guild looking for more members! We raid on Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 server time and are active in Mythic+ as well.
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to DM me on Discord: milowismylove.
Join us and be part of a great team!