Looking for a place to call home

Top of the morning to ya!

Im on the lookout for a guild/community who are aiming to do Mythic - I dont need it to be CE - but I do expect more than 1-2 bosses.

What can I bring to your team?
A strong raider, with a proven track record. Upon request Ill share my logs.
Social player with great connections, which potentially can close a recruitment gap in your guild.

What do I want ? (writing these are like Xmas, I can ask for everything - the likelyhood of me getting everything are slim)
Id like a 2 day raid community, preferably Raid start at 21:00 ST (I can make 20:30 work) Prefered days Wednesday and Sunday.

If it sparked you interest - reply with your contact details - or your guild recruitment advertisement and ill Ping you as soon as I see it!

hey singull, we could be what your looking for all details below,

Hi there, how are you? If you’re still looking for a raiding guild, please check us out and let us know what you think

sharpey#2940 bnet