Looking for a raiding guild


Im looking for a raiding guild, im so tierd of pugging. Ive not raided much in Bfa, but looking for a guild that maybe is in heroic progressing, but also wanna go into mythic when heroic is cleared.

I have some exp some mythic kills and AotC from MoP/WoD/Legion.

Add : chris#23149 or whisper me ingame for more info
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Hey Cyriz i am Winny GM for Broken.

We are looking to add dps players to our roster to help us clear heroic and mythic

We are 6/8 HC and 1/8 Mythic so far

We raid - Wendesdays/Thursdays/Sundays 20:00-23:00

if this is something you feel you are interested in feel free to pm me!
Hello Cyriz - I am the raid leader for <Imagination>.
We are currently looking for some more members to start progressing in mythic.

We are currently 7/8 heroic and are planning to make that 8/8 tomorrow.

Our raid days are:
Monday: 19-22
Wednesday: 19-22
Sunday: 19-22

If you're interested or want to know more feel free to add me in-game or on discord:
Battletag - Lightfire#2275
Discord - Lightfire#2093
Hi Cyriz I am the <Magic Scum>'s GM we are looking for ranged dps and healers we have 8/8 HC and 3/8M
raiding days
Wednesday(Mythic progression) 19-23
Friday (HC farm for alt and low geared) 19-till we finish(Usually 2 hours or less)
Sunday(Mythic progression) 19-23
We are looking for a serious members
(But we'll have to put you on few HC runs as a test to see how you do with us )

Battletag Ryanz#2452
Discord Insaiyan#9705