Hello! I’m a normal - heroic raider that been absent from the last couple of patches as the guild I was in lost most of its members. I’m looking for a friendly guild that wouldn’t mind helping me get up to speed with gear. I can play Healer or DPS (have experience tanking but prefer the other roles ). I play a druid or really anything needed
. I’m willing to switch realms if needed
Hellooo I run a small Horde guild on Twisting Nether and were currently recruiting for our raid team. Were not looking for anything specific so far, just friendly people to play with. If you’d like more info then please contact me on bnet - ackersass#2322
Physix is recruiting and could use you in our team. We clear 8/8 heroic and normal weekly and need some more players to start mythic raiding.
Add me on realid for a chat if interested Swyxia#2707
Hey Sarthan! We have a laid back, friendly guild on Magtheridon server that welcomes returning players.
We run weekly raids and clear EP each week as well as running heaps of M+ to smash some bosses, get some loot and have some fun!
We have lots of other fun stuff going on too with regular social events, real world guild meetups, awesome guild merch and people grouping up together in other games!
So, if Not Dead Yet sounds like the kind of WoW home you’d be interested in, hit me up on Discord (Tea003#8087) or BNet (Tea003#2501) for a chat and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you have!
Hi Sarthan,
If you’re still looking, then take a look at let us know we meet your needs:
Hi. We are a guild on dranor looking for more dps players to join us. We are on 7/8 hc. Beside raidig we also do regular m+ evnings and social events. If you think this could be for you you can find more info on [Draenor][H] <Lost Rowsdowers> Social Raiding Guild 8/8 HC - Recruiting