Looking for a social but active guild

I am looking for a social and active guild, where people can ask and run keys (m+) together, and well, sometimes run other content as well, and a big plus, would be to run a HC raid (non mandatory), i can commit to a scheduled, but would prefer to remain “free” and join whenever i can or people need me.

i am an adult (above 30) and i seek a place with people of the same mindset.

I can run keys from 2 to 10/11 no problem, always open to help everyone, but just an active and friendly guildchat/discord server, would do wonders and i dont really ask more than that.

My class is protection paladin, with a hunter as second character (but rarely played)

To contact me, please add me on discord

Discord: lordodryh

One and All Guild is a Casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - some of us played since Vanilla Days including myself

we have an awesome all around community in the guild from Raids to Mythic+ to transmorg collectors etc

We raid Thurs-Friday around 7:15 PM UK time Team 1
We raid Monday (one day) 7:15 PM UK Team 2 (alt and unsaved mains)
We M+ on Wednesday 7:15 PM - 3 groups and growning

we are 7/8H Guild currently for TWW Season 1

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…,.,.,…

I will add you on discord, but also post this here:

Hi there, i think i’m making what you want, old school raiders in general, we look to clear heroic within patch. Raid Thurs and Sun at 8CET your welcome to miss raids as needed. We care more about you playing your class and just being a decent person.
We are keeping the entire team to around 20 people so it isn’t just a mess of people you don’t know like some guilds do and we can help you improve if thats something thats needed

I’m not great at adverts but why not message me on Bnet and we can chat leon501#2740

Lucid is a new guild looking to build a community that helps each other and allow everyone to game at their own pace, We are steadily growing here is our original post

My battle tag is MarkBurnell#2927 and Discord is Markh1511