Looking for a specific type of guild!

Greetings Argent Dawn!
I’ve been a long time out of the loop of roleplaying and largely do not interact with the forums, but I thought I should ask somewhere about my specific needs.
As the war within is fast approaching, I’m looking for a guild that caters to RP and PVE somewhat equally, with a focus on race-specific (With a preference for Worgen, Pandaren or possibly Vulperan) stories for my forseeable future!

(And yes, not specifically on this character, this is just one of my remixed guys)

Can definitely suggest the Celestial Circle, if I do say so myself. We’re neutral Pandaren, very much into personal stories, and we do some PvE in our free time. If you want, we’re hosting the Pandaren-only Celestial Tournament right now, as well as the Pandaren tavern night in less than a week, so can come there to meet us! Or just come to the Shrine of Fellowship in the Jade Forest about anytime, that works too.

Thanks for the heads-up! I’ll definitely give the Shrine of Fellowship a peek, so that I can keep my options open for a little while (And not feel too overwhelmed)!

If you’re looking for vulperan caravan guild, there are few around. In biased way I can recommend Dust Scavengers. There’s lots of casual, event and server rp around, with pve on the side, as people are available for M+ or raids.

You can also try looking for guilds on Argent Archive site, it has a whole list of Horde and Alliance guild. Sadly, not enough filters to show only race-specific ones, but, the whole list is useful.

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This is also pretty helpful, thanks! The only thing that has me second-guessing trying Vulpera is that it seems that the Horde is doing a bit worse-off in population, but I might just be unaware of the specifics.

I’m an Alliance player, have been for some time now.
What I’ve learned about horde roleplay is; it’s very guild oriented. Luckily there are some players that organize neutral events to break such barrier. But it’s very cliquesc (If that is even a word… If not, Now it is. :stuck_out_tongue: )

It’s worse in the sense that it doesn’t have a place like Stormwind to feed off of for casual walk up roleplay, but then again, a lot of what you’d find in Stormwind isn’t what you’d particularly miss if you’re looking to roleplay something that sticks to the thematics and lore of the actual universe and its cultures.

Going on to call an entire faction’s community cliquey while admitting that you don’t even play in the faction you’re commenting on, and putting yourself in a saviour position for running neutral events isn’t the good look you think it is!

As for an equal focus, that might be tougher, if it not being equal is a deal breaker. Most roleplay guilds have a focus on roleplay, though they do engage in other content as well.

A few roleplay guilds that fit these races are:

· The Northgate Rangers (Worgen)
· Celestial Circle (Pandaren)
· Ronin (Pandaren)
· The Dustpaw Caravan (Vulpera)

These are the only ones I could remember. There are many more which have no guild thread on the forums, or even an Argent Archives post, so, you’ll have to hunt some in-game in that regard. Beyond that, there’s the option of joining non-race oriented guilds, but, that’s another conversation entirely. Good luck!

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First of all, this is what I’ve learned and seen. Second of all. I would like to be one of said people. But I wasn’t referring to myself as an organizer for such… Perhaps instead of taking something out on someone? Stay on topic and help the Datamosh to find what they’re looking for?

Thanks for the promising leads to track down thus far, everyone!

For Vulpera-based RP, I’ve heard good things about Meridian Edict. Had some positive interactions with them at Dalaran Market (runs Tuesday nights and worth going to if “guild shopping”).

Seen a few other caravans around there too like Roadkill Bazaar but i dont know much about them.

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