Looking for a way to ignore something in chat

Should maybe reduce it to Valdrakken then. Chances are that it’s just another unintentional faux pas from the dev department.



I couldn’t find any addon that deals with this announcement… yet

Some people, like myself, simply do not like the RP side of the game. I really wish blizz would introduce an RP toggle switch so you could turn off stuff like this.

My biggest gripe is achievement spam in guild chat. I don’t need to spam the whole guild with some epic kill of a lvl 70 on a boss that is 3 expansions old. I actually stopped spamming old raids on my evoker due to this.

Blizz may see this as an advertisement to go do something in the game. It does not work that way with me. If I see someone spam this drivel, it reminds me of places to avoid on certain characters.

So yes, some like this sort of stuff, as it engrosses you into the game. Just understand that to others it is an irritation.

Can’t you turn off achievements in the chat settings?

Not sure if something in there would turn off the announcement either. Would need to experiment

He mad cause mage don’t have legendary item to work for :smiley:
mages are always jealous it is their nature

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Another ignore OP reason, I will project my reason onto OP: “only reason – jealousy”.
Move along little mouse.

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That is your personal chat settings. It does not stop the spam going to guild chat. I don’t like spamming the guild with what I consider low content.

I’m surprised as it’s to control what you do and don’t see in your chat box.

I have never tried to remove them myself.

Is indeed spammy. I would understand if this was a ream-first occasion, but it is not. Neither is it contained to the Dragon Isle where it is relevant. The announcement is so out of place elsewhere.

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“He is just jealous”
“It is not annoying”
“Learn to overlook it”
“It doesn’t happen everywhere”

Here is two runs in dungeons today.

Blizzard! WHY

“It emotes once, no worse than the npcs who chuckle in valdraken…this isnt a big deal at all and sounds like jealousy.”

“I don’t understand the irritation it causes some but it does. I don’t even notice it myself but clearly others do.”

“Because my fragility cant handle it, due it being something I’ll never get - and they’re just rubbing it in my face by showing it.”

“if you dont like it just ignore the chat”

"He mad cause mage don’t have legendary item to work for :smiley:
mages are always jealous it is their nature"


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See it everywhere I go aswell, and I didn’t start any Dragonflight content, and won’t anytime soon.

AQ, MC, BWL, Outland, it’s everywhere.
Starting to learn to ignore it though, like I do most people :sweat_smile:

Try this WA, seems to be working


Thank you! I will!

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