Looking for a Wifey for Shadowlands

:pensive: :pensive: It is what it is then

Good Luck Buku, I will be dragging my hubby around the shadowlands by his ears and not letting him sleep until I have all his loot. :slight_smile:

thank you :cowboy_hat_face:


ilvl 220+
RIO 2500
95% parses in last two tiers
CR in 3v3 2200 min
Kyrian covenant
don’t be bad

This is how you do it.

that’s some low criteria tho :cowboy_hat_face:

I’d rather not have any

The exploring sounds interesting… :kissing_closed_eyes:

Why don’t we start with taking off the helmet…? :stuck_out_tongue:


86 replies and not a single potential wifey :pensive::pensive::cowboy_hat_face:

Life do be rough sometimes

I’d love to but uuhm… I work and only have like 2 hours of playtime during weekdays. Hate to be holding you back :open_mouth: Good luck on the hunt!

I work too, maybe after shadowlands fuss is calmer we can give your 2 hours a goood use :flushed:

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Cringe x 100

Never change doing these kind of posts guys :ok_hand:t2:

As long as you’re Alliance you’re allright with me. LET’S DO IIIT!

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Ill hit you up later :cowboy_hat_face:

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I could use your services, disgusting orc. I am in a dire need of protection from these alliance male paladin simps. :wink::innocent::smile::smirk::kiss::heart:

I know where this one’s going

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Hm. I admit WM is on 100% of the time. I really need someone strong to protect me from all the alliance haters that like to kill me every now and then out in the open. I haven’t met a single soul in 12 hours playing SL thanks to super sharding but sooner or later… they will go after me again and camp my corpse. :cry::sob:

sounds kinky :flushed:

I’m willing to be able to be anyone’s wifey or whatever.

The only problem is I’d have to shoehorn that person in between my busy wifey schedule. I have a spot available for Thursday between the hours of 8 pm and 9 pm.

It’s a burden I bear on all your behalf so you can game in peace.

Donations to Souldefiler-Silvermoon to keep my wifies in… whatever it is that they want…

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