Hello all,
I am a friendly, very easy going and social older individual, looking for an ACTIVE and casual social guild. I love helping guildies with quests, mythics or whatever else and I just love the social aspect of WoW, chatting in guild chat and just having fun playing the game. I hope there is a guild like that out there! Thank you. 
Hey friend! We might be the thing for you :3
Add me on BTAG at FeralKitteh#2837, and we can have a chat!
Meanwhile, here’s our recruitment forum: [A] <Moonfall> - Argent Dawn EU - PvE/PvP/RP/Fun/Social
Hi Althamel! Raiders of Rohan is an active social raiding Guild. We raid on Wed+Sun between 20:00 and 23:00 and on off-days we run mythic+. Our Discord channel is always active and I can honestly say, I’ve been playing since TBC and this is the friendliest and most welcoming Guild I’ve ever been in. Most of our members are in their late 20s and early 30s, so we’re understanding of life getting in the way.
If you have any questions, or you want to join us (either as a social or a raider), please add me for a chat: Amanda#2105 =)
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Hi Athamel! We have a friendly, chilled out guild on Magtheridon server where we run lots of content together and love to just have a laugh and enjoy the game!
We raid (normal and heroic), we run lots of M+, run PvP stuff and have fun social events.
We have a Discord server where we keep in touch and enjoy some banter 
If that sounds good to you then hit me up on Discord (Tea003#8087) or BNet (Tea003#2501) for a chat and I’ll answer any questions you have! 
Hey all and thank you for your responses! I think I will remake my post because I am not mentioning which server I am on and which faction. It will be up on the top, please respond if you wish still!