Looking for an abode


I am looking for a guild on any other realm but Pyrewood Village where to level a new character (preferably a druid). I am not a hardcore raider nor a hardcore anything. A casual and friendly guild is what I am looking for that might not even have a raid roster ready yet.


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Hey Axey, you are very welcome to check us out over at Salamanders, we are small, but growing… more importantly, we are social, friendly and chatty…

Hello there Axey! We’re looking for new players on Zandalari Tribe RPPVP server :slight_smile: I suggest reading the link above so i dont have to write all down here. <USM> Zandalari Tribe (A)

Enjoy your weekend!

  • Dozo
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In case you haven’t found a forever home yet.

Laughing out Loud is a pretty relaxed raiding guild on a PvE server (Nethergarde Keep). While we do raid we don’t have a full roster so have got this far without full teams but I’m still happy with 7/9 AQ considering.

Got quite a few current levellers and a lot of alts being created. Feel free to message if interested.

Hey Axey! We at BuzzKill are building our raid grp as we speak. we are still bits away. but the guild is getting stronger and stronger in the social sence as each day passes.

we are on Ashbringer (pvp),
im getting a feeling we might not be just what you where looking for. but if it did catch your eye, you ccan reach me on discord : Silent#9758

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