Looking for Casual Guild (Vanilla)

Hi there! With the current HC state of Hydraxian Waterlords over on Vanilla, finding a community that isn’t HC is almost impossible. I was wondering if there’s any guilds actively recruiting right now? I’ve got a friend with me, and we want somewhere that we can do some quests, do some dungeon and maybe the odd RP here and there. :slight_smile:

Edit: Obviously this isn’t the character I’m using on Classic! But I’ll message from that character if there’s someone willing to invite!

Goldpaws, nightelf here. Hit me up :slightly_smiling_face: I recently started this toon. Thinking this server is the place to be in the long run if you wanna do some rp.

Hey, I am asking the same for me and my BF - we kinda wanna play casual too and I am just scared that the server is pure HC by now…? :frog:

Let me now if you found any!

Found none so far, I’ve also been told to get off the server (so friendly community eh?) cause I am not doing HC challenge on that char…

I’m kinda tired of the greifers, the que’s, and the slowness combined with the empty void that now exists for people who want to play normally on an RP server.
The ONLY rp server we have on EU.
It feels a bit crap that it was the one who got “taken over” by the HC challenge, tbh…

Hydraxian Waterlords is the only surving RP Realm in Wrath, but Era does still have all 3 :slight_smile:

However, i´ve heard there is a scarlet red themed guild (?) on Alliance, “Echoes of Loraderon” on Hydraxian Waterlords era.
They should know non HC player to get in touch with on Alliance :slight_smile:

The HC Player are unfortunately now everywhere right now in era :man_facepalming:

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It seemingly has 2! Hydraxian and Celebras. The other is RPPVp and I wasnt interested in PVP for classic ^^

I’ll see if I can be bothered to keep looking on Hydraxian.
Sadly my chars got removed from the server and pulled over to WoTLK era (I thought cloning would progress them — and choosing NOT to clone them would leave them were they were, on OG classic era… I was wrong!)
so i have had to re-level anyway…

Either I keep doing Hydraxian despite the community seeming so hostile to my casual playing now, or I check some other server … or quit trying to enjoy classic. :skull:

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HC challenge is the most roleplay thing thats happened to WoW in its entire existence.

Players choosing to play a certain way, and follow a self-imposed set of rules that must be followed by honesty for the most part.
Sounds like roleplay to me.

There are rude HC players, and rude Roleplayers.

If you are on team “get out of my server so i can RP”, you are no different.

Be more accepting of HC players and their gameplay, just like you would want them to accept yours.

No, it´s not.
HC is not roleplay. Many don´t even have rp conforming names. They play the game as on every other realm, they just delete the char.

The problem is, that HC player don´t team up, don´t trade, no AH and so on.
If they are few, everything is fine, and i agree.

When they are the majority, you can´t play anymore as a normal (role)player.

HWL era is not the only realm that suffers under the HC player, in US some player also complained, that their realms died due to HC.

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Sooner or later there will probably HC realms, and they will finally leave.
So long the real inhabitants of the RP realms have to somehow make it work.

If someone tries to tell you to leave the realm, keep in mind that it´s the roleplayers realm, not the hc players. THEY are wrong there, not you

I see Lary‘s point in HC as ultimate Roleplay. You are a mortal person. You take care of your life. You don‘t send mail, because it‘s unrealistic that it travels so fast. You visit dungeons only once in a lifetime, the story is closed after it. It has happened and is done.

Roleplay has many aspects. They don‘t play another personality/character/soul, they roleplay a mortal storyline. I‘m thrilled to try it myself someday, but not alone. And „in character“.

Though I‘d ooc enjoy being in my „known“ atmosphere, not on a HC realm. But on a realm, where we allow diversity with regards to approaches. PVE and RP wise.

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Except that the HC Player are no roleplayer, because they use ooc in say, don´t interact like a rp character would and so on.

There is a HUGE difference between Roleplayer playing RP in HC, and HC player just playing HC on a RP realm, and you should know that.

I have still your complains about the bad name and behaviors on Lakeshire in mind :slight_smile:
But the same thing is suddenly ok becaues it´s the era realm where it does happen and you are not affected?
INCLUDING telling roleplayer to f*ck of teh RP realm?
Thats ridiculous.

I considered to do something similar like HC myself, too, completely IC.
But that´s not what the HC player are doing.

maybe they should actually merge HWL wrath with Pyrewood, seems that you would be happy there
They are all roleplayer there. they are just roleplaying that they are mighty heroes, killing the biggest threats in Azeroth. :wink:

Edit: Sorry, but it is EXTREMELY arrogant if you are not playing on a realm which was overrun by non roleplayer to tell the roleplayer, they are the issue.

If you would have had an open mind you ask everyone else to have, you would know that there are currently huge issues with the HC player, which were not there from the beginning, due to the sheer amount of hc player who don´t care about RP realms. There is a reason why everyone refers to HWL era as “the HC realm” and not “the EU RP realm”.

The realms are not playable for non hc players anymore if the realm was overrun by them, because it´s impossible to do quests, to farm materials, and so on.

on top the roleplayers have the common issue with non RP player on RP realms.

And ON TOP new players, who would be needed by the tiny RP communities, are scared away due to the fact that they can´t group, dont find anyone to interact with, and an empty AH house. Plus, that they are told to get off the realm, because they are griefing the hc communiy on the hc realm.

But YOU are crying, that the Wrath realm should be saved because YOU don´t have anyone to group with and the action house is empty? :joy: :rofl:
It´s the same situation on era. But hey, it´s just era, who does care!

if you don´t know about the situation on the era realms with hc player… don´t say anything at all.
The message, the non hc player send, are always the same “the realms are dying”.
And tehre is a reason why they do it.

Non roleplaying HC player in that huge mass, is deadly for RP realms.
Maybe you should be a bit more supportive to the roleplay community…

The problem is not that there are hc player, who respect the RP realm tag.
The problem is, that HWL era became a Gehennas, with a tiny HWL RP-PVE population.

It´s really not that difficult to understand the issue, the era HWL player face atm…

Malou, I also see your point, yes. But it‘s tricky. They play a role - so it‘s some kind of roleplay. Not in the way we would define it - I myself define roleplay even differently than other roleplayers on the realm (don‘t run dungeons IC, travelling takes months depending on where you are and portals are inaffordable luxury).

HC mode kind of a subculture and they deserve an environment suitable for their way to play. Give it to them, sure! As roleplayers deserve theirs. As long as these are small cultures, they can fit in well on a realm that is small enough to keep different ecosystems alive and even interwoven. You can‘t have RP immersion on a mega realm, where 90% of the names don‘t suit the „RP realm directive“ and you can‘t HC there either. If it‘s all balanced and we either don‘t come across, or find ways to play harmonically, why not? Maybe pure HC players decide to start to roleplay or PVE with the non-HC peeps with other characters.

What happened to HWL era is definitely a very unpleasant route, yes. I was talking more about HWL Wrath or Cele Era. Don‘t get me wrong, please. Just trying to highlight both perspectives. There are no good or bad ways to see here.

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And that´s the keyword here.
HC is not a “small culture” anymore.
It´s still rapidly growing, HWL era is now “full” (state), and 99% are hc
That´s why it´s so difficult for the non hc player to find someone to play with. They are there, but how can you find them?
The hc player are ALSO in the LFG channel, they are just everywhere :wink:

And it´s not just HWL, bloodsail has the same issues for example, they are just still a bit smaller (high pop afaik).

I absolutly agree that the hc player need a place to be. But there are places they don´t disturb anyone.
E.g. Razorfen. Yes, it´s a german PVE realm, but almost empty (not more than the RP realms were), it´s not connected, and the germans can either transfer for free to Pyrewood or for money to the Evershire cluster.
Would be the perfect place.
But the HC player decided to popup now EVERYWHERE, because HWL era became even too crowded for THEM.
How are the normal player supposed to play there?

This thread was only (as the topic suggests) about HWL Vanilla, and HWL Vanilla does struggle.
It IS a mega realm now, due to HC players. And this IS an issue.

Yes, i agree the low numbers now on Cele are something we can deal with, thanks to our community :slight_smile:
And i´ve already meet some nice HC player (and it seems there is one actually giving up on hc, and now leveling normally).

And in Wrath, many are apparently on Giantstalker, which was the smart thing to due (if there is an outnumbering of hc players of the pve players, the pve players have a place to escape too).

The problem on Cele is: They already try to recruit non hc player to hc only, and doing so reducing the numbers OUR normal and RP players would have.
And the danger is, that it will grow as on HWL.
The hc player will leave, as soon as the hc realms are there. But the players who were scared away might not come back.
You know the outcome on Celebras TBCC…

And it would not have been necessary. I do see why HWL was “the” hc realm in the beginning, because there were always hc players, too.
But now, the “overflow” could - and should- move to Razorfen.
It would be even beneficial for them, because they would be on ONE realm instead of spreading everywhere.

But yes, playing one character in HC mode completly in RP, is tempting. As soon as the normal hc crowd is gone, maybe :upside_down_face:

Niamh has such an excellent way with words and described how i feel about roleplay and its many forms perfectly. Thank you

We are an inclusive community, whether we wear red shirts or blue shirts, we are all wearing shirts.

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Again - you are not in the position to talk about the era realm, and this thread was sololy about the era realm.

Do what you want on the Wrath realm, but the issues on the era realms are real.
And no, they are still no roleplayers.

… You make a lot of assumptions :smiley:
I have been doing HC challenge myself, but I want to play normally too.
The HC players are just too aggressive, and I have zero attitude to them or about them.
It has just ruined a lot for me cause they steal mobs, steal chests, steal anything they can really cause - they are HC, they are SOLO mindset.
It’s impossible to really get stuff done.
We’ve also had the weird attitude of “I am HC, so I get priority” comments… it’s… really weird how people put themselfs in such high regard.

HC challenge is old.
It has existed since - OG - vanilla.
We used to call it Ironman ^^

I am having the issue on both HWL classic era being stuffed with HC players only, and then HWL wotlk era being 100% dead.
It feels like classic is … not wanting me to play. :frog:

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