Looking for Community

Hi all :slight_smile: returning player here - I started playing as a kid right back when vanilla came out, and have returned each expansion, but the main thing that has been missing for me is a sense of community and the social aspect, which was what I was looking for playing an MMO over something like Skyrim etc.

Most of my characters are on the Wildhammer server, and mainly Alliance but I do have some Horde, although I would also be happy to start fresh on a new char/realm - I’m just wondering if there are any communities out there that would be open to a new, casual member to hopefully make my WoW experience more fun, and also introduce some social elements in the current very socially distanced time - if so, let me know :slight_smile:

Hi Mortez

Zen Horde on the horde side welcomes everyone that wants to have a good time. Even though the link below is about us recruiting for our raid team, same princibles follow.

Common sense, friendly and have fun!

Here is the link: Delete me plz

//Zen Horde

Heyya Mortez!

I run a gaming community (yups, more then just WoW!) called AzerPUG (Azerothian Puggers). We try to bring more enjoyment into gaming! Our biggest side is World of Warcraft, in where we level new chars together sometimes, we do M+, and raiding, where we both push with experienced players, as well as help out new players teaching them from basics to as high as they want to learn.

We have a decent to high activity in WoW several days a week, but some of us are on discord (almost) daily.
As my forum account is not high ranked enough, I am unable to post links, so if you are interested, you will have to contact me first :stuck_out_tongue:
BNet: Tex#2935
Disc: Tex#1991

Anyone else reading this, we are an open community, you can contact me if you are interested as well! :smiley:

Hey mate

By the sound of it, you might enjoy playing with us. We are a small team that has been together for a long time. We are mature players who similarly to you returned to the game recently and are still catching up.

We like to socialise and group up and we play other games too not just WoW. We play alliance on Moonglade but have a community set up if you want to play an already existing character on a different realm.

Feel free to get in touch if you’d like any more info. Sil182#2743

I hope you find what you are looking for and wish you a great day! :smiley:

Hi Mortez,

Hope you are well.

Unfortunately we aren’t on Wildhammer, however, I do note that you would be willing to try out characters on other servers. I have copied some information below, it might be just what you are looking for :slight_smile:

What is Rekindled?

A mixed group of new and veteran WoW players who have spent the last 5 months building a friendly, relaxed and enjoyable environment.

Our doors are open to like minded players who prefer a more laid back gaming experience, while having a laugh and making friends in the process.

We’re an adult guild, many of us have families and other commitments (as much as we’d like to be playing WoW all day) so we’re looking for other adults to join us.

Who are Rekindled?

Our community has become fast friends over the last few months. For us the person comes first, the character second.

We enjoy helping each other, organise social events and competitions, and most of all enjoy each others company, there’s always someone chatting away in guild or discord.

We have recently branched out into other games, including Lord of the Rings Online, Diablo 3 and Dungeons & Dragons.

There’s a lot of veteran players in our guild, people who have left and decided to give the game another try for one reason or another.

While we do have raid progression experience we’re not interested in hardcore raid progression anymore. Instead we host regular PvE nights, raids or m+, usually at the weekend. That being said we are VERY accommodating for new players, if you’ve had a bad experience elsewhere, please give us a try.

How to reach us:

Please follow the link to our Discord, it’s the best way to get in contact with one of the team.
Battlenet: Xrathia#2653 or Mistree#2555

Alternatively, get in touch with us in-game.
We are based on the old RP-PVP cluster: Scarshield Legion/Ravenholdt/The Venture Co/Sporeggar/Defias Brotherhood

If you’re on a different server, then we encourage players to create an alt and join us before deciding to transfer.

Thanks for reading and we look forward to hearing from you!