Looking for Forsaken/Lordaeron themed RP guild

Hello there, newly returning to Argent Dawn RP and enjoying the Desolate Council vibes & the possible stories Forsaken character could have rebuilding & bolstering their settlements, fighting foes (rogue Scourge perhaps) etc!

Regarding this, are there any currently active Forsaken RP guilds around these days? Or would it be worth making a guild for this? Thank you!


Welcome back to RP!

Aleays glad to see someone return to the wonderfull WoW RP scene!

As for guilds; I know of currently one active one, I am no Horde RPer so perhaps someone else could point you to other guilds!

Ofcourse trying to establish a guild of your own is also a good way to go, although I do not know the interest people would have in such a guild!

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Thank you so much!

This looks promising, after reading about the Corpsegrin Irregulars it seems to cover exactly what I am after from Forsaken RP, I will seek out means of contact. :smiley:

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Another one which I’ve had positive experience is the Gravesworn, who roleplay a Forsaken military unit based in the Hillsbrad Foothills. The players from that guild that I’ve run into have been fantastic to roleplay with and if they had a forum thread, I’d link it. The guild leader goes by Jaws, if you want someone to contact in-game.


Thanks so much for this! I’ll gather some info about the Gravesworn as well to see which one would fit for me

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