[Forsaken-RP] Corpsegrin Irregulars 💀

Peace between the Horde and the Alliance has, at least momentarily fallen upon Azeroth, and with that Forsaken High Command and the Desolate Council saw the need for a new kind of unit. One that could operate under the shadow of the truce with the Alliance and serve Forsaken interests across Azeroth without upsetting the delicate balance of the peace, but still one that doesn’t matter getting its hands dirty and will get the job done no matter the cost and no matter the odds.

This is how the Corpsegrin Irregulars came into being. The Corpsegrin Irregulars is a small irregular unit of the Forsaken military specialising in covert ops, artifact retrieval, target elimination and operations behind enemy lines. Still a brand new unit, the irregulars consist of both fresh recruits as well as hardened veterans of the Forsaken war machine, Forsaken knights of the Ebon Blade, as well as members of the Royal Apothecary Society and clergy of the Cult of Forgotten Shadow. This disparate band of Forsaken is united in their wish to serve their people and make a name for their new unit.


The Corpsegrin Irregulars is a small irregular unit of the Forsaken military specialising in covert ops, artifact retrieval and operations behind enemy lines. OOC the inspiration for the guild is war movies such as Inglourious Basterds and Kelly’s Heroes.

This means that while we technically will be a unit of the Forsaken military, we will forego all the elements of military RP that are just not fun and only really serve to massage the egos of the officers. So there will be no:




-Standing in straight lines

-Military punishments

-Strict adherence to military hierarchy

We are going to be a rough and tumble unit and we are here to have fun with RP. If you want to call Sixtus “Sergeant Rotwild”, you are welcome to of course - maybe that makes sense for your character, but he will respond to his first name too and that goes for any an all officers this guild is going to have in the future as well.

Who Are We Looking for?
Primarily Forsaken humans and Darkfallen blood elves (no San’layn) of all classes who wish to make a life for themselves in an irregular unit of the Forsaken military. We also take abominations, banshees and any other character concept with a proven lore presence within the Forsaken ranks.

Interested in joining?

Contact Halfsilver, Hearthgate or Rotwild in game or hit me up on Discord at: #sixtusx9


Yeees yeees. Come and bring your silvers coins, Melvin is hungry :relieved:

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Forsaken, my beloved. Good to see another Forsaken guild. Shadows guide you.

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How is melvin doing? i should give him a silver coin someday…


He is doing fine, even better than ever.
And you know… he is always accept some juicy coins :hugs:

A trip to Outland that saw the Corpsegrin Irregulars play cat and mouse with followers of the Burning Legion through Terokkar Forest, Nagrand, and finally Blade’s Edge Mountains, has come to an end. Demonic artifact in tow, the Irregulars now head back to Lordaeron. Time for some R&R and odd jobs at home before the powers that be once again send us further afield.


After accompanying this merry band of unbreathing scallywags on their past few campaigns (and abetting acts of violence on numerous occasions), I have decided to make the Corpsegrin Irregulars home.

If you’re looking for an action-oriented guild run by someone who’s passionate about the Forsaken conceptual fantasy, this one is a good shout.

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Was a lot of fun RPing with you bunch last week with the Argent Compass event. I hope we meet again soon because I bet it’ll be some interesting RP when we do!


You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few Scarlet craniums.


Currently the Corpsegrin Irregulars are in the Eastern Plaguelands reenacting the plot of the movie Tremors and fighting the Scarlet Crusade. You can find us in the ruins of the Scarlet Enclave, probably up to no good. Don’t be shy, come say hi.

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On a mission to locate a missing clergyman of the Forgotten Shadow, the Irregulars were ambushed by a cluster of lurking Nerubians.

While the cleric was most certainly dead, we were able to stop his staff - an artefact once wielded by the Old Horde’s necrolytes - from falling into the wrong hands.






The Irregulars are currently visiting the kingdom of Stormwind. Turns out you can still just walk right in.

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Anduin said you could do it.

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Got our permits and everything (we absolutely are not supposed to be there)

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Ahhh Melvin, the honorary Frostsworn. How we miss him! :smiley: <3

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From the hills of Westfall to the catacombs of Karazhan, the Irregulars finally cornered and eliminated the second of two precarious targets they had come down south to visit.

With their business in the kingdom of Stormwind concluded, they now rest at Stonard, and will most certainly not be playing any indecorous pranks on the nearby humans before leaving.


Still such a tryhard soilder! However he still goes for the loot firsthand :sweat_smile:

Our tour of the Kingdom of Stormwind that took us from Westfall through Duskwood, Deadwind Pass, the Swamp of Sorrows, and finally to Redridge Mountains, has drawn to a close and we are once again back in Lordaeron. Karazhan is still weird, don’t go there. Redridge was fun though and we totally weren’t chased out of Stonewatch Keep.

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I hope they have enough willpower to clean all that crap we left there :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Called to investigate a series of kidnappings in Silverpine, the Irregulars hunted down a Scarlet inquisitor and her followers, who had been torturing practitioners of the dark arts for answers about a ‘Radiant Song.’ The undead, they believed, would soon usher in a world-ending apocalyptic event only the Crusade could avert.

Though the elimination of their leader has put a stop to the incidents, little could be done for the most broken of their victims - a death knight called Kardesh Dreadfang. And so he was delivered mercy by his brother-in-arms: