Hi all, hope everyone is doing okay during the difficult climate we are currently facing.
I am writing this post in the hopes to connect and make some much needed interaction and get more out of the game. Whilst I know WOW has moved in a weird direction over the years and has taken a lot of the need for interaction away, I am still hoping I can find that experience.
I love this game even with the current issues of BFA and this current account is new and I have not achieved a lot with it. I have dabbled in the past a long time ago in the games life cycle but I would love to achieve the higher end gameplay. I would not consider myself an amazing player by any strecth, and my achievements on my account do reflect this and that is due to not having any good group of people to get to the levels I would like to experience the game at.
I started playing again towards the end of the fabled WOD and then played for a while in Legion, however lost interest on my own. I have played a substancial more in BFA but still not finding the best experience for mysfelf. I am hoping to get the most out of Shadowlands and play extsensively and even find a good raiding group. I am in a guild but they do seem to not be playing current high end in groups and I have not properly interacted with them before. Due to me dropping BFA for the last two patches.
I have a few characters my main being a Aff Warlock and some alts including max level fury warrior and levelling some alts currently. Hoping I can touch bases with some people on here from the Draenor server (I mostly play Horde) but my warrior is Alliance and my soon to be max level Unholy DK.
I consume a lot of WOW content from streams and youtube and have a good understanding of the game but want to get the most out of my sub with some good people.
Any contact would be super during isolation!