Looking for group to do mythics 10+ and beyond

I am fairly new player trying to push 10+ keys and start to go into 13+/improve.

I would like to find people doing similar content level so that we can improve together by playing and learning tactics.

Requirements are:

  1. At least 395 ilvl

  2. Willingness to learn some tactics from YouTube, articles before the run

You don’t have to memorise everything and know every detail but you should be willing to at least spend 30minutes to watch a guide per each dungeon.

  1. Willingness to learn from failure.
    We will talk over after run what went wrong and where we can improve.

  2. Non toxic behaviour
    Raging, insulting not allowed.

  3. Willingness to use discord or other voice chat for communication during the run.

My plan is to focus on selected mythics at first and try to push them as far as possible. So for example couple of days of pushing a single same dungeon to get a firm understanding of the tactics

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