Looking For Guild - Disc Priest

Hi there,

I’m looking for a raiding guild that is competitive and enjoys a race, i hope to compete for server first races, and put in time to PTR.

Raid times i can be flexible on with no issue

My past raiding and current raiding are available to those who wish to know feel free to drop me a message.

Main Spec : Disc

Off Spec : Shadow

WowLogs : ( [Wolfskie - Nethergarde Keep - Warcraft Logs]

Main Alt : Balance Druid / Restoration Druid

WowLogs: Wolfskiee - Nethergarde Keep - Warcraft Logs

what i am looking for:

  • Solid and competitive environment,
  • Well organised raids,
  • The opportunity to be able to participate in PTR,
  • Prefer Split runs.

If anyone has any questions please dont hesitate to drop me a message on :
Bnet : Wolfskie#2902
Discord : Wolfskiee

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