Im looking for a late night guild around 21:00 ST. I am a returning player looking to play a druid (Balance or restro) or mage
Hey Luffiy,
I think we could be a good fit and we’re on the lookout for a druid dps currently.
We start raiding at 8PM ST if that’s alright with you! Please take a look at our recruitment post if you’re interested:
Hulkomania is a relaxed endgame content pushing guild more on the casual side looking for their fellow hulkomaniacs to join us in raiding and M+ started by experienced raiders. Our guild aims to be a perfect place for people who have a full time adult life and and would like a slower pace when it comes to hard core requirements.
Looking for DPS to expand our roster for the upcoming season, socials are more than welcome!
For DPS, we are mostly looking for:
Warrior (Arms or Fury)
If your still looking for a new guild would love to have a chat.
Add me on BNET: BoodyTV#2479
Think we could be a good fit for you:
OGz is a guild with a mature and experienced player base, many of whom have raided together for 5-15 years. We foster a casual yet focused environment with a 4-hour weekly raid schedule that balances progression and fun. Our aim is to maintain a strong Heroic raiding team, with an eye toward Mythic content if roster consistency permits.
Raid Times: Wednesday and Monday 2230 - 0030 Server Time
We are currently recruiting all roles and classes but especially value players who are comfortable swi…