Hi all,
Looking to come back to WoW, old timer with plenty of raid experience both normal and hardcore (mythic wasn’t really a thing when I quit).
Currently just looking to play the game in a chilled environment with mature people and experience raiding content and mythical.
Mostly on every night after 6:30 server time.
Currently looking to play either warrior or rogue.
Warrior - can tank and dps. (Happy to dps and off spec tank / or vice versa)
I’ve had both as a main character throughout various expansions. Warrior I played from classic right up to cataclysm as protection. Raided as main rogue in BFA (before having to quit due to RL issues).
Now I’m back and looking for a fun, friendly, active bunch of folk to have the pleasure of playing the game with.
Server / Faction does not matter happy to do whatever 
Thank you for reading.
I can promise you, that we are nice chilled bunch that loves to do stuff together.
The guild is called Your Choice, and that is what we are, its up to you what you want to do
Hang on Discord, do M+'s, raid or just do
some mog runs.
We have a post up here, I will link it here ; Your Choice- terenas-eu LF raiders - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)
We are active, and in need of dps for our hc raid team (9/9):
If this sounds interesting, you can contact our GM on Discord; kobra157
I hope to hear from you. Take care and have fun!
Hi Scorpy,
I’ve been around since Vanilla also.
This is us if you think we’re a good fit. [H] <Archaic Order> Twisting Nether 1-day Raiding guild 5/9M
Feel free to look us up on wowprogress/warcraftlogs etc to see our activity 
Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord
Or check out our guild recruitment post:
Ps. To join the guild you would have to perform a server transfer if youre not on one of the realms listed in the link above. Or ofcourse you can start fresh char on our realm pool. Trial period for you to join in on raid is fine with us before you decide to evt. Transfer a char to the server.
Brg Pet.
Hello we are the “No More Greens”
We are a newly formed guild that currently is looking for any role to add to our Raid-Roster.
1 Tank
3x Healers
Dps Ranged & Dps Melee
We’re a guild with the average age of 30yo + and our current goal is to make a good raid roster while also trying to do a community where people can spend time freely and enjoy WoW together with many activities such as: Heroic Raiding, Glory achievements, Mythic Plus and in the future Mythic Raiding.
We do raid on Wednesday & Thursday from 20:00 to 23:00 Server-time.
Please for more info you can add one of those battlenet.
Battlenet: OTPLoreTTV#2871 - Duck#22712