Looking for Guild

Hello everyone, me and 2 friends begin to play wow 20day a go, we need to gear up and some tips… we still searching a guild for pvp (normal/competitive), dungeon H+ and raid.
If u wanna know more about us, you can type me on game…
see ya.
(sorry for my bad english but i’m italian :smiley:)

Hey Panzerotto.

We’re a guild called < Is Amazing > and always looking for new people. I wouldn’t say we’re at a stage where we can start raiding yet - but we are trying to do regular heroic and mythic runs. Just a case of finding the right people and enough healers and tanks (but dps are ok too).

Anyway, feel free to add me on battlenet (Singer#2816) and I’d be happy to have a chat, otherwise i might /w you in game.

See you around.


If you’re still looking for a guild, then get in touch with Pure Insanity. We’re currently raiding alongside Blazed Redemption on Tarren Mill on a casual basis, but our focus is to progress on heroic content. Kirstyvill#2636 is my battle tag if you want to get in touch.

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