Looking for healer for KSM completion

Hello friends,

We’re a group of ex mythic raiders/m+ players returning for Shadowlands. My group and I are looking for a healer to fill our last spot for m+ keystone master. So far all of us have completed +13s, 14s in time and +15s in pugs and we want to take it a step further in an organised group.

Our group comp so far:
Me (Veng DH) - HelpIcantsee - Twisting Nether
(main -raider.io/characters/eu/twisting-nether/Tetanus
Rayemears (Balance Druid) -raider.io/characters/eu/twisting-nether/Rayemears
Qrul (WW Monk) -raider.io/characters/eu/chamber-of-aspects/Qrul
Lugga (MM Hunter) -raider.io/characters/eu/draenor/Lugga

What you need:
Discord (We only know English, sorry!)
Willing to progress/learn
A basic idea of the content we plan to do and good knowledge of your class (specifically +15s and routes)

If you’re interested add me on