Looking for help choosing professions

I’ve been trying to match professions to characters and so far the one i am happy with is tailoring/enchanting on warlock, now i’m trying to pick professions for the rest of my characters but i’m having a hard time making a choice for a couple of reasons.

Do i give all my characters enchanting so i can disenchant epics?
Do i give my characters something like Mining/blacksmith?
Do i give my characters something like Jewelcrafting/blacksmith and have a character with mining/herbalism?
And what professions go well together if i do go with a mining/herbalism character.

i don’t want an alt army aswell, so around 3-6 characters. Maybe even less if i can delete some more. I mainly raid/dungeons with alittle bit of pvp. also not interested in Engineering cause i want to focus on gold mainly

Thank you to those that can offer me some inspiration :wink:

If you are looking for casual profession to make gold only mining/herb and meby disenchantik will work, and meby alchemy jsut for perks like longer flask etc not for proffit everythink else req comitment to be profitable

If you dont have it in yuo to optimize proffesion talent do some market reserch and spam macros in valdraken then better give up on proffessions

IMO, don’t craft, farm to feed the crafters (ex. crafter here).

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