Looking for home and people to play with


I am looking for a home for my multiple alts which I play every week doing M+.
They are all currently on Ravencrest Alliance (except this one) but I’m happy to move them all for the right place.

This character is my main (2.5k rio and looking to start pushing) and my alts are all around 2k but capable of doing higher, I’ve just been having fun on them.

I’m looking for an adult only guild where I can have a laugh and a joke but also do well in keys with likeminded people. The last few guilds I have joined have all had a certain group which do M+ but then not much else with other people (not knocking them at all as it’s their gametime too) but it would be nice to have options to play with guildies rather than pugs and start pushing keys to see how high we can get before the end of the season

Please feel free to reach out to me on discord if you have any questions etc! Charliee#1969

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Hello there!
If you’re looking for a potential home, you’ll be welcome in Chaos Crew - feel free to add me on bnet / Discord
Vryxell#2693 // Vryxell#1690

We do M+ and raiding, we’re chill and laid back, play to have fun. :smiley:

Hey! I’m recruiting for Silvermoon-EU 8/8HC and 2/8 Mythic is currently recruiting DPS for the core team. As well as some extra Healers for Heroic and Mythic Raiding. The Current Raid times are: Wednesday-Thursday-Sunday 20:00 - 23:00
Add me on Bnet: Lettuce#21367 or Discord: Lettuce#2778

hey, if you’re still looking for a guild I think we could be a good fit.
We’re on Silvermoon Alliance. some of us are pushing higher IO next to raiding.