Looking for HORDE PVP Golemagg guild. PvE and PvP wanted

hey all

looking for pve raiding guild that would be willing to help me learn to pvp and how warlocks work in classic. Would like to roll on Golemagg.

Undead warlock all the way.

I didn’t play Vanilla, came to the game in late MoP, never really been part of a guild but want that social experience that everyone talks about.

I am at university but I plan on playing ALOT of classic. I promise to be committed to the guild. Would love to help the guild in whatever capacity I can in return for somewhere where I can learn, get better at the game and make lasting friendships.

Hope to hear from a guild soon,
Add me on Bnet if you feel like your guild could be for me.

Hello there!

We would be interested in recruiting you :slight_smile:
We are a 3 day raiding guild on Golemagg. Horde of course!
Add Qayran#1583 if you’d like to have a chat!

Just in case you’d like to take a look :slight_smile:

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