Looking for Horde Roleplay

I don’t bait anyone. We were having a discussion about the reason one guild disbanded. Maybe you are Pisces irl and thus see everything as a bait? Idk

You are a stalker in addition, sitting there and counting minutes, holy moly

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It’s bait because this threat is about someone needing to find Horde roleplay. Still the Say’lan threat is being brought up again. If people want to keep this discussing further I advice them to go back to the Say’lan threat if they prefer bickering.

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Why do you guys have to throw hands in a thread about someone just genuinely trying to find some Horde roleplay?

If everyone who participated in this weird brick throwing contest (over misunderstanding someone feeling the same as the OP and perceiving it as aggression no less) used at least half of the time they’re spending on talking crap about one another on actually logging in and roleplaying Horde characters, this dude might have actually found a place to roleplay in instead of having to read about how you’ve been whinging over a guild not recruiting you for so long that the guild has actually disbanded and this discussion is still ongoing, on a thread absolutely and completely unrelated to it on top of that.

Jesus, man. It’s like watching someone be buried alive only to see the onlookers start fighting one another over what color the dirt is.


If you look closely at my message, you’ll see that I was clearly replying to Syelia’s message first, and that’s how I was able to see who else was typing in this thread (it’s displayed at the top right corner of your text box)

For people who want to talk about Say’lans or enjoy bickering back and fort or whatever.

Go here.

If you want to help a guy get a better impression of Horde RP. Stay, or go. All the same.



But I do agree that there is a place and time to react to quillestra’s unhinged rants, which wasn’t this thread. My bad


There’s plenty of Horde RP, although it’s scattershot from Orgrimmar a lot the past few… months, years?

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First of all, if you read OP’s message then you’ll see that they clearly wanted to find Forsaken RP. That’s why I brought up the Forsaken guild problem. Second of all, no one else but you has written the word “San’layn” here in this thread, so maybe it’s a you-problem?

AD forum is but a fraction of the server where people gather up specifically to start a war and have a fierce “lore” debate. Rarely do I find people in the game who are even aware of tis forum’s existence and bad reputation.

And yet you mald hard enough to look like you went through chemotherapy over this tiny fraction of the realm’s community not agreeing with your dumb takes.

If your argument is trying to reassure me by stating the fact that the game is full of people who treat others entirely different than how you do, I think you should look at a mirror and start wondering if trying to verbally eviscerate someone over a comment that could be encapsulated into ‘yeah, I’ve not been finding any guilds whatsoever’ because it reminded you of drama from a year ago is appropriate behavior to have when talking with random roleplayers on the internet looking to have fun with a daily hobby just like you are.

You might find far more uninviting things other than your character concept as to why people might not want to invite you to an undead guild in the future.

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Speaking about Horde RP in the Barrens specifically, wasn’t there Crossroads Hub/community of some sort? Is that still a thing?





The Bait.

No-one cares.

I’m out.


Have a fun night y’all.

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I believe the host of the initiative stopped organizing it due to RL stuff, but it might still be going on without him.

I think the reason there’s so few undead guilds these days is that the themes and vibes that a lot of players find interesting with the concept of undeath, aren’t really present in the game today. Dragonflight has a completely different approach to the everything, meaning that people who enjoyed and mained undead, didn’t really have any reasons to keep playing.


Huge, if true.

Silvermoon recently keeps finding new people wondering in, but I can’t really say its bursting with energy aside from the usual residents. Not at all, really

People have been roleplaying in the Crossroads a lot, but the Discord was closed a week or so ago. Having said that, the person running it didn’t claim to own the Barrens or something, so activity has still been happening here and there from time to time.

Oh but they can now join Voss on another epic Forsaken adventure of helping defending a World Tree that’s a replacement for the Not-World Tree they helped burned down in the last war.


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I got a little lost in what you just said. The argument that we had showed the ugly side of everyone, including me and my debaters. Which is just how things usually are in debates. It’s supposed to be a heated mess, especially if one side is using the bullying tactic against one particular individual. So while I feel bad for saying some things that I said in these threads, I don’t regret it as a whole because I knew what I was getting into.

That actually would be a very interesting twist if they did, ngl

That kinda blows, if people continue to RP there, but I understand not needing to police a public discord.