Looking for Horde Roleplay

There was no disaster. I am glad that I was able to show people the new RP possibilities, and I have already received positive feedback from the folks who reached out to me and said how happy they were to explore Darkfallen and Undead concepts under the new circumstances (I mean both the dire state of Horde RP and the new game mechanics). It really warms up my heart to connect with someone on this level.

Then forgive me, dear Rasende, I’ve mistaken you for someone else and assumed the worst in the light of the recent forum drama. Please accept my sincere excuses.

And what was I saying? In spring I asked them why they aren’t recruiting more people who are more than willing to partake in Forsaken RP. Their reply was that they were only selecting a few people under strict rules, and not even the Dark Rangers (let alone other Undead species) were allowed to join the fun. And now they don’t exist? It’s a sad but logical outcome, what else would you expect from such an approach?

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This is extremely funny given how it´s applied to a guild that existed for 12 or so years.
And even though it has disbanded, it still continues to live rent-free in your head.


Stop reacting to bait please.


Voices in your head =/= positive feedback


This thread is becoming “Jesse… what the frag are you talking about?!” .jpeg…

Thing is, I genuinely don´t think it´s a bait, but rather an extremely emotional person that holds grudges for eternity and is never going to stop anyway, regardless of what we do.

This is extremely tragic given how prosperous it once was, judging by their library. Then something happened and new people set their new rules and the rest is history. Which is a case for many things in WoW and real life too: all good things come to an end for one reason or another. But when the reason is so ridiculous it’s even more tragic.

Is this the best insult you could come up with? I’ve seen you write this message for 6 minutes or so. Try better next time.

For some reason I can’t put links in the forums, perhaps because I don’t have a sub no-more? But every time people keep reacting on bait and drama keeps reacting on these forums I have to think of this.

Youtube >> /watch?v=XkNsNKgSvAY

I’ve received an accolade and got to shook Mike Ybarra’s hand infront of a standing ovation of Blizzard’s Creative Writing Department for my contributions to the last San’layn thread. Mike then also kindly reinforced the point that the name of talent trees and talents do not indicate a change in how certain factions and subfactions (San’layn, Deathstalkers, Keepers of the Grove, Sentinels, Dark Rangers, Shado-Pan) are portrayed in the lore.


I don’t bait anyone. We were having a discussion about the reason one guild disbanded. Maybe you are Pisces irl and thus see everything as a bait? Idk

You are a stalker in addition, sitting there and counting minutes, holy moly

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It’s bait because this threat is about someone needing to find Horde roleplay. Still the Say’lan threat is being brought up again. If people want to keep this discussing further I advice them to go back to the Say’lan threat if they prefer bickering.

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Why do you guys have to throw hands in a thread about someone just genuinely trying to find some Horde roleplay?

If everyone who participated in this weird brick throwing contest (over misunderstanding someone feeling the same as the OP and perceiving it as aggression no less) used at least half of the time they’re spending on talking crap about one another on actually logging in and roleplaying Horde characters, this dude might have actually found a place to roleplay in instead of having to read about how you’ve been whinging over a guild not recruiting you for so long that the guild has actually disbanded and this discussion is still ongoing, on a thread absolutely and completely unrelated to it on top of that.

Jesus, man. It’s like watching someone be buried alive only to see the onlookers start fighting one another over what color the dirt is.


If you look closely at my message, you’ll see that I was clearly replying to Syelia’s message first, and that’s how I was able to see who else was typing in this thread (it’s displayed at the top right corner of your text box)

For people who want to talk about Say’lans or enjoy bickering back and fort or whatever.

Go here.

If you want to help a guy get a better impression of Horde RP. Stay, or go. All the same.



But I do agree that there is a place and time to react to quillestra’s unhinged rants, which wasn’t this thread. My bad


There’s plenty of Horde RP, although it’s scattershot from Orgrimmar a lot the past few… months, years?

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First of all, if you read OP’s message then you’ll see that they clearly wanted to find Forsaken RP. That’s why I brought up the Forsaken guild problem. Second of all, no one else but you has written the word “San’layn” here in this thread, so maybe it’s a you-problem?

AD forum is but a fraction of the server where people gather up specifically to start a war and have a fierce “lore” debate. Rarely do I find people in the game who are even aware of tis forum’s existence and bad reputation.

And yet you mald hard enough to look like you went through chemotherapy over this tiny fraction of the realm’s community not agreeing with your dumb takes.

If your argument is trying to reassure me by stating the fact that the game is full of people who treat others entirely different than how you do, I think you should look at a mirror and start wondering if trying to verbally eviscerate someone over a comment that could be encapsulated into ‘yeah, I’ve not been finding any guilds whatsoever’ because it reminded you of drama from a year ago is appropriate behavior to have when talking with random roleplayers on the internet looking to have fun with a daily hobby just like you are.

You might find far more uninviting things other than your character concept as to why people might not want to invite you to an undead guild in the future.

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