Looking for Horde Roleplay

Speaking about Horde RP in the Barrens specifically, wasn’t there Crossroads Hub/community of some sort? Is that still a thing?





The Bait.

No-one cares.

I’m out.


Have a fun night y’all.

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I believe the host of the initiative stopped organizing it due to RL stuff, but it might still be going on without him.

I think the reason there’s so few undead guilds these days is that the themes and vibes that a lot of players find interesting with the concept of undeath, aren’t really present in the game today. Dragonflight has a completely different approach to the everything, meaning that people who enjoyed and mained undead, didn’t really have any reasons to keep playing.


Huge, if true.

Silvermoon recently keeps finding new people wondering in, but I can’t really say its bursting with energy aside from the usual residents. Not at all, really

People have been roleplaying in the Crossroads a lot, but the Discord was closed a week or so ago. Having said that, the person running it didn’t claim to own the Barrens or something, so activity has still been happening here and there from time to time.

Oh but they can now join Voss on another epic Forsaken adventure of helping defending a World Tree that’s a replacement for the Not-World Tree they helped burned down in the last war.


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I got a little lost in what you just said. The argument that we had showed the ugly side of everyone, including me and my debaters. Which is just how things usually are in debates. It’s supposed to be a heated mess, especially if one side is using the bullying tactic against one particular individual. So while I feel bad for saying some things that I said in these threads, I don’t regret it as a whole because I knew what I was getting into.

That actually would be a very interesting twist if they did, ngl

That kinda blows, if people continue to RP there, but I understand not needing to police a public discord.

I mean, the thing is that it was mostly for walk up roleplay. Sure, there are guilds who go there and do more than that in their own time, but the Crossroads Discord was, in specific, for the namesake of it; the Crossroads.

Moderating a roleplay discord on its own is already a daunting task. I cannot imagine what it must be like to do so with a discord for public walk up roleplay, especially when the discord is really just an OOC place for people to make connections rather than anything absolutely necessary to roleplay there.

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My best advice to find a home for a Forsaken would be to try attend Horde open and casual events as often as possible and keep an eye out for active zones. Maybe you’ll make a couple friends. If there aren’t any good guilds out there for you, maybe your contribution to the server activity will inspire someone to make one!
Good luck to us all in these trying times on Hordeside :saluting_face:


Where as the Crossroads isn’t an organized hub anymore people are still going there which is a shame but we do get tied up IRL and I do wish Siennyr and other’s more relaxing times soon, it sucks being so tied up IRL but we do what we must.

Social Sundays are still happening though iirc?

However, currently I believe there is a bunch of people RIGHT NOW in the Crossroads LOG IN RIGHT NOW AND ADVENTURE THERE FRIENDS.

There’s also other guilds that have been around there the last few days. Our Bloodsong, Some from Grimtusks and we’ve seen an appearance of the Orcs of the Red Blade there in recent nights!

So if you’re looking for some Horde RP OP and people here in general it’s happening RIGHT NOW!

Enjoy your night guys. <3


I can report that there’s over twenty people at the Crossroads right now, either participating in a pit fight or watching it. For the Horde, that’s pretty lively.

the more of your silly posts I read, the more evident it is that the guild you’re insulting dodged a bullet when they kicked you out

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never happened

That’s neat. I’ll make sure to check it out since things were a bit quiet in orgrimmar last time I tried to start something.

This guild never had me in it. But their actions became one of the major reasons I went nuts here on the forum and clashed with the PCU community.

Imagine going nuts because a Forsaken guild wouldn’t accept a your San’layn.

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Your character is a San’layn in the Alliance who serves Tyrande. That makes little sense, I think you should rewrite your TRP profile, Alannyse. And then, once your OC fits into the WoW lore, we can have a talk. But for now I refuse to seriously take your character bio.
