Looking for Horde Roleplay

Sorry you didn’t get a respounse but The Rotgarde is on break for now and not recruiting atm, idk about the Gest, but they are more on the evil/void arc now than the Forsaken afaik. Red Ventures has some Forsaken characters but they’ve more an adventure guild. There’s the Shadowbane Coven as well I suppose but they’re fel/legion people first.

Forsaken lore has been very bad for a pretty long time now so RP guilds centered around them might be tricky to find atm, but good luck.

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I remember. That’s just the way I am. Like a character study.

Weird flex, but okay.

it’s not meant to be a flex, it’s just a trait. what people can and can’t remember well

The hippocampus is a trait?

Yes and no. Very often people’s ability to learn and remember is tied to their motivation and interests. Those who are good at Maths or History memorize dates better. And those who like words and letters tend to remember names and, yep, words. But of course a lot of it is also predetermined by nature.

As someone and probably a few more have noted before me, Grim Gest is not Horde. GG is an evil void cult guild. They actually hate the Horde, save for the Forsaken and elves.

The Rotgarde recently ended with an official ic ceremony, so that is probably why they don’t get back to you. They aren’t taking any new recruits because there’s no more guild to take them.

My apologies and I hope others have been able to give suggestions. Sadly, the only other Forsaken guild I’m aware of is the Forlorn Order and I don’t know much about them, especially since I’m no longer in the Forsaken rp scene.

Edit: I just saw Kaitylin’s response saying FO is dead. That’s very sad to hear, I only heard good things about them. Unrelated, I’m sorry someone decided to become the main character of your thread. Maybe you can find a decent Forsaken guild by asking people like Veilbound Vigil, Deathmarch and Argent Pursuits.

Edit 2: Grim Gest is NOT dead! My mistake. They do events every few weeks, so it’s just reduced activity.

Maybe OP still had an interest in being able to read suggestions sent to the thread without having to sift through several replies of drama knowingly generated by you in your first reply. There was absolutely no need to come in here being all sour and then have your very next reply being you lashing out at someone for simply saying that they had difficulty finding Forsaken guilds in trade chat.

This is not a good look for you and this specific reply makes you sound pretty bad.

I don’t usually tell people off in the forums like this and because this isn’t the subject of the thread, I won’t be responding to anything else you say. I suggest you do the same and stop arguing with people online on a thread that isn’t yours.


Provocative nonsense. The OP liked my comment and we talked this through. Then you come and speak for them while reigniting the beef and making ill-meaning assumptions. This thread could easily sink with 1 or 2 replies, but we summoned more people to discuss the problem and then called it a day. Don’t do dirty things yourself and then scold the others

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