Looking for Horde Roleplay

The implications of a lolcow is that they can be “milked” (that is to say provoked or otherwise interacted with) for the purposes of comedic outcomes.

Quillestra is neither intentionally or intentionally funny. She misses the mark.

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I am already funny just because I’m pathetic and stubborn. So the one who misses the mark here is you. At least I am a freak who’s being true to herself. You just come everywhere and start harrassing the others for no reason. Now that is neither funny nor nice.

I don’t advise leaning this heavily into a chris-chan character arc.

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/thread, really

People please. I asked kindly multiple times.

This is really cringe for OP who just wanted to know wether there was Horde RP going on and again someone is making the whole thread about them. Even though there been a complete different thread about this already.

And yeah it’s the WoW Forums, yadieyadieya, but damn have some consideration to people who are curious to RP on the Horde side, the RP faction that has not completely healed after the big drama that happened like two years ago now. Way to give an impression.

If this one individual enjoys getting attention by weak attempts to insult other people or keep pushing weird personal takes, don’t reply if you aren’t really interested in what that person has to say anyhow. Else this whole thread goes in a roundabout going about nothing while a new Hordie here just wants to know where the spots are.



fortunately our friend Bumwizard found a spot in Grim Gest, all is well.

Oh no, to my experience all OPs post only 2 messages in their threads: an opener and one in the middle of the discussion. They never reply again or show interest in their thread whatsoever. So nothing to worry about, chances are high the OP will never post on this forum again.

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But they clarified that they do, in fact, accept both abominations and leper gnomes as well as dark rangers, but in a limited capacity so as to not break with the aesthetic of being a deathguard regiment.

They do, and that isn’t a trolling message. You’ve yet to say your character isn’t a vampiric Darkfallen.

Neither Cyraxx nor the White Bowser are this. Boogie and Wings are just depressing, Chris Chan is an example of what happens when parents ignore professional advice and have kids when they are far too old, Daniel Larson is just an example of how bad the mental health care is in the States. And Drachenlord is just Drachenlord.

I’m kind of glad to only know most of these as opposed to all of them. Although I will say that both Chris Chan and Daniel Larson are examples of how bad US mental health care is. Somebody phoned adult protective services regarding Chris and how he believes in cartoon characters that manifest into the real world and all other nonsense, only to be told:

“Yeah we can’t really do anything unless there’s proof that Chris will immediately harm someone.”

Suffice it to say that quote aged like milk in light of what would happen only a year or so after that call was made.

Meddl loide :metal:
Never thought I’d read that name again after the conviction.

Is it a good thing that I do not know who most of these people are?



What does it matter? They have the full right to reject or accept whoever on whatever grounds they want.
They were not ever mandated to simply pick up every single RP character with an undead concept

And the focus on the elf model is also weird, considering I’ve seen a lot of forsaken elves over the years use a forsaken model, to accuse them of just wanting human undead military rp also is unfair, they were a forsaken guild, forsaken includes things like abominations, lepers and darkfallen, but the vast majority of their population was made up out of the risen denizens of Lordaeron after Arthas’ betrayal, their guild simply tried to mirror that representation as best they could.

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It was simply a part of a bigger Undead debate. Got caught in crossfire, I’d say. It was a question of people not accepting Undead characters in casual RP, and Rotgarde’s stance on their “Forsaken” RP added to it.

As the ancient hawaiians used to say the boyfriend free single girl was living right there all along.

Don’t look them up. It makes Goldshire look tame.

It was a question of Rotgarde not accepting the more unusual undead found in the ranks of the Forsaken, not people accepting them in casual RP.

We are active this weekend around Tirisfal-Hillsbrad-Alterac axis. Come drop by, and say hi.


I did post only two messages. One was a question and the other was a thank you for the helpful replies and an explanation that I found what I was looking for. I do not see the point of me engaging in this argument that I know nothing about and is really none of my business.
Word of advice though - no one in this thread seems to agree with you Quillestra. Just drop the subject and stop arguing with folks on the internet. You’re clearly not winning the argument, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Don’t be worried about that, life goes on man!


Yeah, I just meant that OPs usually seem to be very inactive and they don’t say much or anything at all in their own threads. Even if their clarification would be very helpful (I wish the Draenei DK guy from that first fateful thread said at least something to help us understand his and my problem better).

I understand that you have nothing to do with that, but I wish you luck in your new adventures and hope that you will give us updates sometimes, if you want. Have fun and stay cool man

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I mean I already know more about Chris Chan than I’d ever want, so I shall spare myself and not seek out the others…

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Yep, that’s me, known rude RPer Morningstar.

That was in months ago too, how are you still so mad bro?