Looking for leveling partner/Friend

Hey, I’m gonna start fresh Horde on Realm Kazzak. If anyone would like to level with me I would be happy to meet you.



Good luck finding someone though! (+ free bump) You could also try here:


Ho I thought people played on Kazzak cuz it was one of the full once. Thx for telling me tho :slight_smile:
But im still gonna try tho.

Try Dreanor far more friendly realm with a better rep .

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Can someone post a picture of an overcrowded pen with chickens please? :rofl: well you have full picture of that server… My monk is there… the rare times I play it.

Edit: why chickens? well go there and read the trade chat :rofl:

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I know its crowded i have chars there but its a better atmosphere and has has a better rep than Kazzak to be fair . I do know some nice Kazzak players from the forums but most in pugs are so awful .

In Alliance Silvermoon has the title to be unfriendly, elitist and most leavers come from there :rofl:

Never had a problem with SM players i find most rude alliance server is Ravencrest and even then they are not to bad . Outland used to be bad back when PVP server and full.

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