Looking For M+ people ("TEAM"), please read carefully

Hello everyone, I am looking for players who might be interested in running m+ with a good atmosphere and chilling environment.

The main goal is to run keys with a good mood, cool and friendly attitude and even form possible friendships, and progress together as well, with a possible good laugh occasionally.

I dont mind to run keys from 2 (as a way of say it) till 10 (i usually dont go past 10, as the loot won’t change after it and i see no point in going past it, also i dont want to push keys till the maximum possible anymore, as I’ve done before, and I personality don’t find it much amusing, just 7’s are fine, 10 if people want, no problem.

This is not a team, I am looking for friendly and NON-LEAVERS also nontoxic people, to play together with, and who knows, maybe even build a discord server for it if many apply and form a nice community, of course, if we find people, that we absolute synchronize with it, and wish to keep playing a lot, why not, right? Friendships are born when you least expect it :blush:

TL: DR = Toxic or elitist players, dont need to apply here, and won’t be tolerated, those can go and apply on the pushing keys groups, I seek a friendly run and stress free, and not just about the top DPS, yes … yes, making damage is cool, makes you look good, big ego, and bla bla bla, and then what? Dungeon done, bye bye, see you later? Or one wipe and leaving? Well, no thanks. Playing the mechanics right is what matters the most, rest is a bonus. Also remember, even the best of the best can literally mess it up sometimes and cause a wipe, timer will be lost most likely, and the key can be “failed” within time, but in the end of the day, it’s a game, and the key can be repeated, or another key as well.

(I play tank, but other tanks can apply too, as I said, if many people apply, we can build more groups and even a small community)

If you are interested in giving it a shot, please add me on discord

Discord: lordodryh