Looking for mates

I am looking for mates to play with! Mainly looking for 3s and rbg!

I play ret and subt and I have 2k xp in Arena and 1998 in rbg ( unfortunately because of the end of the season back in legion I did not manage to still get 2k as I started playing rbg one week before the end ) . I am a father and full time working so mainly I play at Friday and Saturday in the evening. You don’t need to be perfectly playing and I am not looking for unfriendly tryharders that end up flaming and telling others how bad they are. Just be chilled and try to get better :slight_smile: currently I have 1600+ rating in 2s bracket and 1400ish on rbg. I am very vocal and I could also do target calling in rbg if necessary. Looking forward for nice mates :slight_smile:

P.s : I speak German, English, Turkish and Russian, but my preferred languages would be German and English.

Hi, I would also like to expand my friends list. I play sub rogue and fire mage. Feel free to add me Venice#21577

hi, I play fire mage and resto sham.
Looking for team also…
add me skanktank#2278