Hi Everyone,
As the title says, I am looking to join a mature guild with a view to start raiding 2-3 times a week. I have recently returned to WoW after a 7 years absence and after finding my feet again in Dragonflight I am now eager to progress to the next level for the remainder of season 1 and going into season 2. Currently have cleared VOTI on normal in a PuG and looking to do a heroic run this weekend.
I have previously raided at a decent level back in the day so know what’s required in terms of preparation etc.
I am from the UK and do have a real life and family. I am playing most days however I am usually only available from around 21:00 server time onwards.
I play Hunter, currently horde on realm Doomhammer/Turalyon but willing to transfer realm/faction for the right opportunity.
If there are is any guilds out there that fit in with the above please drop me a message in the comments or contact me on Discord Scotty#8655
Maybe Punished Punished is looking for more raiders can be a place for you.
We just (finally) managed to clear heroic VOTI and will probably aim on doing a re-clear or as close to it as we can.
We raid on Thursday/Monday from 21 to 00 server time. And have no issues with people joining us from other servers for fun, laughs and painful wipes cause the raid leader sucks :D.
Thursday you would have a great opportunity to see what we are about if you like to check us out before making a decision are we a fit for you or not.
If you wish to know more, add me on discord: Mari#6813
Hi mate,
Add me on discord Keyda#1625
Hi Scotty,
Check out “The Old Grudge”, sounds like a good fit for you.
would be happy to chat if this seems intresting
Unwavering fools Kazzak (H) recruiting for 10.1
Server : Kazzak (Horde)
Language : English
Raid days: Thursday & Sunday
Raid times : 20.30-23.00 Server time
Recruiting : Raiders and Socials
Progress : 8/8 Heroic
Get Curve/KSM and have fun. Not in a hardcore fashion but there is a heavy emphasis on everyone doing their part and contributing. We want to be running m+ together in the evenings and helping each other as much as we can when we can. Also everyone puts in the effort in gearing (mostly through m+), reputation farming (if needed) and keeping up to date with enchants and consumables. We learn by doing it together.
We strive to improve as much as we can with the limited time we have for gaming. Trying goes a long way, so does asking for help. Wanting to improve as a team is a big must and a general vibe we want to have. There is an expectation that people have a basic grasp of their class and where to find information regarding their classes and so on. We also expect that people help each other as much as we can.
What/who we´re looking for
We are looking for nice and good people who are mature and have a sensible approach to the game.
Active during the evenings.
People who want to do content together either as raiders or socials.
Value progressing as a team, building and creating an atmosphere where we all can enjoy pushing heroic raid and mythic plus content together.
Has a functioning mic and willing to use it
Raid Schedule
For Dragonflight our raiding days will be Thursdays & Sundays, 20.30-23.00 Servertime (CEST)
2-3x DPS - HIGH (Range preffered)
1 x Offspec Heal- medium
Were currently planning for 10.1 on the horizon so happy to discuss roles and things moving forwards
Please feel free to contact me on discord Cervet#2247 or Tofuscramble_#3113
Hi Scotty!
Are you still looking for a guild?
What level of raids and M+ are you aiming for?
Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) is recruiting. We’re a small, people-centred guild that runs normal and heroic raids as well as M+. We understand that real life comes first - and life is busy! So our raid and scheduled M+ sessions are fairly short: raids are Sun and Tues nights 21:30 -23:00 Server Time. Our M+ nights are on the same time slots, with Friday being the higher keys brackets (the key levels change through the season, as we progress; the main goal for Fri night is working towards KSM), Thurs is practising, building confidence and improving gear, and when there is interest, Wed nights are learning, gearing and practising runs with baby keys.
There’s no attendance expectations; we have fully social members, some who only sign up for raids and not M+ and vice versa, and those who enjoy both.
We currently have space for DPS and a healer for our raid team - and if you fancy M+, there’s space there, too 
If you’d like to find out more, feel free to contact me Bnet:sheira#1910 or Discord: Lakshmii#0552
Or, feel free to post a guild application at discord.gg/RHX5vTbX
Looking forward to hearing from you