Hi Argent Dawn!
I was wondering if there’s any pandaren guilds around? Or locations at which pandarens usually RP? Please let me know :-).
I’m looking for a more serious take on pandaren roleplay instead of the goofy comedic version some people play. Let me know if you can help me!
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I believe the Defenders of Heaven (not sure of the guild name, led by Chieun) is recruiting!
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The Fallen Leaf [Pandaren-RP] 🍂 The Fallen Leaf: Hiatus - #62 by Chíeun-argent-dawn is the only ‘neutral’ Pandaren guild I know of on AD. Not really neutral since it is very pro-Pandaria!
Other races are permitted in, but the guild’s themes and cause are very much aligned with Pandaria.
Unfortunately, due to changing circumstances I was no longer able to lead that guild, so the concept’s been put on hold.
Sorry about that! But then, Fallen Leaf it is!
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I’ll make sure to reach out!
Ronin is a very good choice too, for Horde/Huojin Pandaren 
I personally recommend.
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