Looking for people to push keys!

WoW Veterans Seeking Key Pushers!

We’re building a solid team of dedicated players to push Mythic+ keys and are currently looking for more members to join us. Whether you’re a seasoned player or someone committed to improving, we’d love to hear from you!

Game Session Schedule

We typically play twice a week, choosing from the following time slots:

Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00 (CET)

Sunday: 20:00 - 23:00 (CET)

Monday: 20:30 - 23:00 (CET)

Times may vary slightly, we will figure out what works best when we get the whole team together.

Interested? Reach out to us via Battle.net:

Cheggy: Cheggy#21773

Layn: Thelayn#2702

Or apply to our community to reach out to us!
Community name: Frostborn Chickens

As I can’t edit the first comment or remake the post. For additional info, please see on raider io:
Mythic+ Team is created on Raider io: Frostborn Chickens

We’re currently at 2.8k score and prefer veterans with evidence of achieving proper scores or people who have completed 11’s at least, willing to push to 12+ and beyond.

Thanks for reading!

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Hello !
Im a frost dk with 630 ilvl and 2700 rio would be interested in this.
Have all 11s except for Grim Batol atm looking to push 12s.