Looking for people/team for M+

For years, I was just casually playing M+, getting 2-3k and going offline mode, though after continuous fails in finding a guild for raiding that I could call home, decided to fully be dedicated to M+.

Not new to Tanking, bear and port war were my mains ever since I started playing this game, just never took M+ scene seriously.

Recently, due to bear being “off meta” it is a nightmare to join the pugs, therefore trying my luck in finding a people/team here.

I am a mature, chill, and responsible person. Playing mostly 19:00 ST to 00:00, sometimes because of family circumstances the times might change.

If you have any additional questions please do contact me by replying in here or to my discord: lunadormou

Thank you,

I don’t know if you mean server time or standarad time.

Either way depending on that I’d be interested in forming a team if you’ll take me, stats and info you can find on my profile, let me know.

I have stopped doing m+ nor playing the game itself since I posted this, I lost interest or even burnt out. But thanks for the interest.

Ahh that’s unfortunate to hear, I hope you have fun doing whatever it is you do nowadays.

Perhaps our paths will cross again someday. Till then good luck and have fun ^^

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hey man i run a very casual guild in the server (silvermoon) with currently 14 active members, we are a close bunch and are searching for more people to do mythic+ with and or other dungeons, unfortunatly we dont do raids YET we might do it in the future.

currently our nationalities differ and we are spread out over germany, the netherlands ,norway, denmark ,sweden and britain and we mostly speak english.

we have 6 experienced players who could push 20+ and we have 8 new players who push 15+ atm

we would love to scale that up.

we are a small guild with a reason , this guild will stay small permanently not reaching higher than max 25 man.

i made this guild with the intention to socialise and bond with the guildies, we were done feeling like a number like in most guilds that just farm in people just for the sake of having alot of people.

if you feel like you run into the same walls and want to be part of a nice wacky group hit me up.
sincerely: Authurius/Lars

i saw you’re post so i hope i am not to late.

Unfortunately, game somehow became too much grindy, (You need to prove your skill through ilvl, which I had bad times having the first weeks) and this is what makes me just go offline mode after 3-4 weeks of the season. I did not even have a desire to hit 3k this season, though I have like 50-60 score missing lol.

But hopefully our paths will cross in the future :slight_smile:

Understandable, I myself plan to take a much more layed back approache in the near future when I hit 2.5k either today or tomorrow if I get in the right groups.

Until then Mr.Ulfaro :slightly_smiling_face:

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