Looking for place to roleplay Tauren

Greetings dear reader,

I was always interested in roleplaying on Argent Dawn but never did it really seriously.
However with the Tauren heritage armor unlocked I really want to make a Tauren and roleplay in a fun community.
So I am rolling a fresh lvl 1 Tauren, still juggling between classes but since my first ever char back in 2007 was a Tauren Druid I want to relive that character.
But the totem on the heritage armor screams melee combat so I am also interested in playing Warrior.

Now I am here to find a nice community which best fits a Tauren Druid/Warrior(probably). I feel like it has got to be something to do with balance and restoring peace.
Cause Azeroth could use a little peace :slight_smile:

So I need your help to find a nice RP guild to fully invest my time into.
I am not the most experienced RP-er but Ive been around a long time and should be able to pick it up on a good level.

A little bit about me: 32 years old, male, Dutch, 206 cm tall, playing for 12 years now, patient, fun loving, likes a laugh, full time work but the weekends off, have done PvP on a decent level back in Cata, raided seriously in MoP-WoD, did alot of M+ in Legion, now want to RP :smiley:

Please leave your comment below and help me out, it is much appreciated!

May the winds be at your back


I recommend you check out the ‘Hand of Conquest’

Great guys, cool community.


Greetin’ mon. I suggest either hunter warrior or shaman if u want to use the heritage set
Edit: me opinion ofc mon.
Edit 2: Dem Sunwalkers (paladins) be good as well.


There’s Proudhorn Nomads, if tauren-only Roleplay is your cup of tea.

Beyond that, with your stated interest in “balance and peace”, I’d recommend some guilds like

The Bloodstained Unity

Honorbound Offensive (they don’t have a forum presence but two of their officers are tauren, think military unit more or less)

The Honorbound Vanguard - much in the same vein as above

If you’re up for searching a little bit, I believe the Splitshield Tribe and The Spirit Wolves are also still around.

Edit: Oh, if you’re looking for something brand new, this guild just started as well!


Thank you for that detailed reply Rogmasha!
The Tauren only one looks interesting but the Sabertusk Pact looks nice aswell.
I like an active guild with active members. Most older guilds tend to die off a little bit in my experience. But I’ll take these guilds into consideration!
Keep it coming guys! Loving the feedback


Hello there!
Good guilds have been recommended above. There is also a Discord community for Tauren, which you can poke me if you want an invite. :slight_smile:

Earthmother watch over you.


Oh nice! Thank you Kump.
I will be online tomorrow morning and I’ll add you :slight_smile:


The Sabertusk Pact is a new guild with little members for now but we do host regular events(both social and DM’ed ones) to get things nice and active :smiley: If you have more questions or just want to have a chat then shoot me a message on discord Nezzumi#3000


Thanks for the shout!


This is something I’m interested in as well. All the guilds I’ve seen in action so far have been very much focused on the more militant aspect of the Horde.

As a tauren and a druid to boot, I’d love to try out roleplay under more peaceful circumstances. Not suggesting holding hands with the Alliance or even rebelling against Sylvanas but something harkening back to those shamanistic roots and hunter-gatherer days would be wonderful.

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Join the sungang. :sun_with_face:

apawi needs more tauren !!!

On a more serious tangent, it is good to find a guild that creates an environment you’ll find good for your tauren character and something you could see them focusing on, but you needn’t dispare over the lack thereof of any solely co-ordinated tauren guild—I personally make do and make a lot of lovely connections and roleplay by interaction outside my own guild with tauren outside, over personal affairs or the greater Horde plot with Baine. Whatever you go for, good luck! We definitely could use more members.

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I’d definitely recommend the Proudhorn Nomads, for this, from what I’ve seen of them!


Ah, yes, being abnormally tall. As is dutch tradition.

200cm+ gang represent

As someone else pointed out, I’d really recommend reading into Sunwalkers. Literally their founding reason is to balance out the worship between An’she (The sun) and Mu’sha (The moon, AKA Elune).

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