Looking for PVP friends


I’ve always been somewhat of a random battleground hero - playing lots of alts and across a range of level brackets - but I’m now looking to play more seriously and coordinated, making the jump into more rated games, however the LFG tool seems to require you to already be at god mode level and i can lose a whole evening just trying to get into a group without actually playing a game.

Feel free to add jimmz#21980 if you looking to have more pvp friends in your list. I’d love to get stuck into some games and can be on most evenings or to a set schedule if its easier. I have horde and alliance and can look to fill in with whatever your team needs :slight_smile:


Hey dude!
Still looking for friends?
Im trying desperately to find arena partners.

Started playing arena in bfa s1, got 1550 in 2v2 as mistweaver.
But I have all classes at 120, and probably 4 or 5 of them between 395-405 ilvl.
I want to find people who I can play with consistently so I can commit to one class and actually get good at it :smiley:

I also want to play with voice comms. I don’t rage (Im 38 years old, I don’t have the energy to be angry anymore lol)
And I play wow at least 4 nights a week from ~8PM server time when my kids fall asleep.

If you’re interrested add me Sixxaddict#2607

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I will add you if you don’t mind and your still looking for pvp players who will play everyday

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Hi guys. In case you want to play with a horde healer add me too:

Yo bois you can add me I’m looking for arena friends 2 ScoREmiX#2896