Looking for RP guild *wave*

Well I did find a guild but the GM mysteriously disappeared, leaving no recruitment rights for anyone and no story plot either. The members were sitting and waiting to be spoon fed with RP, which I got bored of in TOR already. So I am gently probing the waters for new places to go to.

As matters stand right now, I have done some research into DKs and voidelves only. Although my lore knowledge is still seriously lacking. I feel comfortable enough with those two to be able to RP them freely.

I am not quite sure what AA is, but I would very much like to hear more about your guild.

Thank you for the reply!

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AA, or Argent Archives, is a website on which you can creates profile/page for characters and guilds. It’s used to place pictures, backstories, texts, etc.

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Indeed Naeliren found a place with us but due to the Gm disappearing we have unfortunately crumbled away, Naeliren is quite modest though, she is a brilliant RPer and quite knowledgeable about Death Knights and Void Elves, more so than the average RPer I imagine, anyone would be lucky to have her in their guild.

Hope you find a guild thats right for you Nae <3


If you change your mind and fancy being a zandalari our website describes our concept : https://thepaintedshields.com

While we are military many of our events and casual rp revolve around loas, spirits, fighting Hand of Zul, and a variety of other things.

We are very active both for events and casual rp.

Good luck with the hunt!


And they’re really good and making the lives of simple orgrimmar grunts an absolute headache.

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I have been thinking of RPing a Zandalari, as I am in love with the Nahua theme of the armors and race overall. I just don’t have the race unlocked yet. I am working on it, although slowly D:


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