Looking for RP guild *wave*

Hello everyone,
I am looking for an RP guild on Argent Dawn. The faction does not play a big role for me, but a bit of an introduction first.

I am a long time RPer, just not in WoW. My experience include years of Pathfinder, D&D 5e now, Starfinder, Afterbomb Madness and some other nieche P&P systems. I also spent the last 5 years actively participating in some rather Heavy RP in Star Wars: TOR, both as an RP Guild officer and a regular player. The problem is, my lore knowledge is somewhat limited.

Hence I am looking for a noobie friendly group, that would help me polish my backstory ideas and help me develop a lorefriendly character, who I can RP with them.

I am not sure, if it plays any major role, but I do have access to Lightforged and Voidborne, working on Zandalarii now.


Firstly welcome back to Argent Dawn! Im sure whomever you end up joining that you will have a blast.

The Havenguard houses a number of new and returning roleplayers. We are happy to help you get back into roleplay and help you with lore/ backstory! As for what we are Find out more in the link below but essentially we are an ancient order of monster hunters, with a bit of witcher flair. We also accept all classes :slight_smile:

Hope you find a nice community either way and have a nice day!


That does look interesting, will give it a read once I am back home. I am totally not wasting my precious time on WoW Forums during my working hours.

You say you accept all classes, but what about races? I see it is an Alliance guild. I would guess there might be some problems with Voidelves?

Ooc wise we accept void elves, however you may face some ic scrutiny you are more than welcome to join our order!

Hello there! :wave:
If a small :rabbit: friendly :handshake: and chill :tropical_drink: adventuring group :world_map: picks Your interest, i’m sure that W.E.I.R.D Company :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: would love to help you out! If you have any questions :question: do not hesitate to poke me in game! :joystick:


Hello there, Naeliren!

I don’t think any guild, realistically, minds a lack of lore knowledge provided you are willing to learn and improve, which you seem to be. We’ve all been new and Warcraft’s lore is gigantic.

You are also already experienced in roleplay from what I can tell, so that allows you to focus on lore.

That said, I think you should take a bit of a different approach to finding roleplay/a guild. Instead of searching for a “noobie friendly group”, I think you should look for a concept that appeals to you. If you find something that appeals to you, you can then start looking into lore – possibly with the help of a guild.

The reason I believe a concept is most important is because your enjoyment takes priority. If you don’t enjoy a character, why would you roleplay them?

Regardless of what you do, I wish you good luck, friend!


Never do this again

Aside from the good guilds announced above, i have some guilds in mind for the races you mentioned

For Lightforged Draenei, i recommend the guild Hand of Xe’ra, OOCly cool guys, and a cool concept ICly, consisting of light wielders, fighting for Alliance, a part of the army of the light

For void elves, i know Umbral Vanguard who are military, although i know less about them, yet from what i have seen, they are a nice bunch
Also another guild, which had the name Windrunner in it, forgot it’s name, you can find it’s thread on forums

For Zandalari, there are several guilds, Hand of Zanchul, who are troll racist, First Empire, pro Zandalari / Talanji, and Painted shields, who are pro horde, i am personally in First Empire though, IC wise they are more chill rather than militant, while Painted shields and Hand of Zanchul are in a IC rivalry and fight each other, yet all three are good :slight_smile:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:


That is a lot of positive feedback! Thanks a lot.

As a quick clarification, I am not looking to RP the Lightforged or Voidelves. I haven’t decided yet, what I want to do, in terms of character. It was just an information, that I do have access to those, if needed.

On the other hand, I am quite happy with adapting to an existing story with a character of my own. I enjoy the challenge of creating something, that fits the setting while being to my liking.

Initially I wanted to RP this very Death Knight, as the class seemed the closest to what I have been RPing the past few years. Lord of the Sith and Death Knight kind of both ride on that “temper issues and past trauma” vibe. I even had a bit of a story too
 But just never found people, that are welcoming of a DK. Also apparently there is some form of stereotype about female draenei death knights
 Which I didn’t know about.

I am open to the nature of the RP, as even a militaristic guild will have need of varied members. I just want to find some chill peeps to have fun with. I will probably hang around some RP zones and observe. Maybe spy on some guilds RP? Haven’t decided yet.

Went to Goldshire during my human leveling. And I thought Slippery Slopes on Nar Shaddaa was bad


You will find that a few guilds dont accept Demon Hunters and Death Knights, although not sure if that is due to a bad reputation or just the nature of the class.

As stated above I think the concept should suit the character not the other way around but what I will say is that the Havenguard are active in Drustvar atm and have previous had folk join our groups to observe our RP, so if you wish to organise something like that we can. One thing I will say is dont let stereotypes ruin a character concept that you like, people who write off characters upon first sight probably aint worth rping with anyway

empire >>> republic

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It’s not just “Empire > Republic” my dear friend
 Sith Pureblood > All the filthy xenos!

make a forsaken and join the rotgarde
best guild on argent dawn no question about it

I meant more the stereotype of the player who would pick such a combination or race, gender and class. Met with many who just auto pin you with an “edgy teenager that faps 24/7” label.

I sure will hop to Drustvar to check your RP. Although the only character, that can reach it right now is the DK. Am leveling the rest, but they are far, far away.

Problem is, I really dislike forsaken. Not as a concept, just the way they look like. Same reason I could never play a Dwarf, Gnome, Goblin or even Orcs. Only recently made a troll, after hours of tinkering with the generator. I like the idea of undead, just not the way the models and posture are handled. Maybe if they would release the under night- or highelves? That could be cool.

So I found this “glaive-star” map and ho boy, is it helpful! Am more active in the game now, so will have a look around. Thank you everyone for your insight on the matter and your helpful replies!

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Glaive star is a very helpful tool, yet some parts of it is outdated :>
Be sure to check if the guild listed in there is still active or not ^^

If you’re looking for a guild, my best suggestion would be to start Roleplaying with people inside the game.

You’ll create bonds and friendships, above all else you’ll gain some enjoyment from it.

I’d probably consider getting to know players before jumping into their guild, as you might find that your interests could suddenly change. Though if you’ve essentially bonded with these said players, the recruitment and well the establishment of your character within said guild will feel far more organic. I heavily recommend starting out in some Roleplaying hubs,

Im going to leave a link to our website here, we are a small new guild with a lot of helpful people who would be more than happy to aid you in your quest for lore knowledge. We are horde based and either way if you need any help you can poke me in game :slight_smile: Lore is fun to explore <3 www.bloodaegis. (com) ignore the brackets :smiley:


There you go :slight_smile:

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If you’re still looking for a guild, the Gilded Blades are an active rag-tag bunch of mercs that take people in from all walks of life! We have our website at gildedblades.eu or you can find us on AA!

I hope it all goes well/has went well for you! <3

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