Looking for tips / suggestions

Ive had this mog since legion. Except shirtless ofc, I used small chest before that. But everytime someone talks about my set its always “the blue doesnt match” “the hat doesnt match”.
Ive tried to use the recolours of the gloves but they are quite different shades. So i looked through head pieces and I cant find one that fits the rest of the set. Ive tried to use blue artifact which kinda worked and ill be looking into trying new belts today.

Looking for any mog tips or suggestions on how can improve. Feel free to roast

Edit: Also how do you guys feel about cloaks on shirtless. Its pinned to my skin right now

>:D Rubs hands evily

Darn! I hoped for something i could roast outside of shirtless & the lampshade on your head

Looks nice for an orc :smiley:

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Well thats good to hear XD. Cheers!

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Your mog is not fitting at all, but it’s far from ugly, i even like your skin tone, can’t see your weapon as i would want but i kinda like how you look :smiley:

P.S: never use back without any shirt, or armor on your chest, it looks like :clown_face: xD

I use brewmaster artifact when brew and hidden fists for wind walker so the gauntlets serve as the weapon.

Im confused it doesnt fit, is not ugly and you like it? What doesnt fit.

I do agree about cloak tho

Those blue spheres do not fit this green sphere on your belt and rest of green too, too much contrast if you ask me, but head model is good, if it only had green spheres then it would be very good.

Oh right. Yeah I know. Thats the whole point of the post i dunno what to swap it with Xd

Did you ever consider goggles? many players just love them :smiley: these would fit the colour and are guaranted to get :smiley:

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