Hi Azazyel!
I’ll write a personal bit first, but then just pop our guild recruitment thing in after as it explains in more detail. I get returning to the game after a long break, I took one for a long time myself. Played NA servers from Vanilla onwards, then huge break and here I am now on EU since end of Legion! So I understand the worry people have with inviting you but we see it as an open possibility of awesome fun. We’d love to chat if any of what I say below is of interest.
So our guild is part of an older guild that has split apart and we’re looking for members to join us so we can have something active. A huge part of our old guild splitting apart was that the core of our team stopped playing except for raid times, which meant that a lot of us were left without a group to play with. So we’re now trying to form an active, fun, entertaining guild from that. We have amazingly talented players, some good ones, and some who are just learning the ropes of wow (one of our most active members just started playing but I’m fairly sure he’s going to be taking over the world lol)
We are a fun group and looking for others to join us! If this sounds at all interesting, please add me on battlenet and we can chat.
And here’s the guild recruitment info if you want more details
Who are we?
The Eighth Sin are a mature, friendly guild who don’t take ourselves too seriously. We are a raiding guild, and we raid two nights a week, with a third scheduled day (not mandatory) for mythic plus, normal raids, etc. We are not aiming to be the best out there (though that would be great), but we are trying to consistently make progress and grow as a team. We arrange activities outside of raids for the guild as well, PvP, other PvE, mount and transmog farming, etc.
As you see in most posts these days, our old guild suffered from the ‘only online for raid’ syndrome a lot of the time. We’d like to make sure that’s not the case here and are looking for people who want to be active and enjoy the game with us. Most of our players have been playing since Vanilla and BC. But don’t let that put you off if you haven’t been! We are open to anyone. We are happy to help teach you the ropes as well if you’re a newer or returning player who wants to raid or do old content but feels a bit overwhelmed. But attitude is super important to our team, as we want everyone to enjoy themselves.
We raid two nights a week, and run Mythic + almost every day, with an aim to get everyone their +10 every week for gear at least.
We know that since we’re all adults real life takes precedence and that you may miss raids, or turn up a little late every so often. We understand. And the only thing we ask is you let us know on Discord so we can make sure we expect it!
Raiding times
Raid nights: Monday & Wednesday
Raid time: 20:30 - 11:30 Server Time
Alt / Mythic Plus / Normal night: Friday
Time: 20:30-11:30 (not mandatory to be there, or there the whole time, this is just about enjoying time together in other content)
What are we looking for?
- Any Ranged DPS (Especially Warlocks, Mages, and Shamans)
- Melee DPS ( Death Knights, Demon Hunters, Warriors)
- Healers (Shamans, Priests, and Druids - but again we are open to any)*
- Are you social but want a chance to run the content as well? Join us and run on our alt days!
- Show up on time so we get as much time in the raid as possible
- Bring your own flasks, pots, food
- Have your gear gemmed and enchanted before raid
If your class isn’t listed here please do contact us, because we are really trying to build out our core raiding team as we have just started the guild. We have a solid base to work from but we need to flesh out our ranks. So we are open to any good applicant (even if currently undergeared or new to the game and ready to progress).
Contact info
Niambh - Niambh#2511
KrazyKai - Kai#2842
We will have a website shortly, but in the mean time just reply here or give us a shout on Battlenet.