Looking to build contacts with MG/SWC/Sha'tar players after the new features have been implemented

Hi everyone.

now that we’re allowed to play with people from other regions, I wanted to get into some of the awesome RP events that I remember from my years playing on AD EU and EU servers.

There are no RP-PvP campaigns at all, so I’d love to get back into those with these new features.

If you’re interested in RP, particularly you Beastmaw Warband peeps(I used to be a member of the Earthfury clan, many years ago!) Or you Hand of the Titans peeps. I do believe I’ve RPed with Anrokha from Hand of the Titans before, and spoken with them many times, so some of you people from those guilds please hit me up because I know how awesome your events are. hit me up, and also keep me posted on any guild or server events that I could come for. I’ll leave my B-Tag here so that you guys can contact me.



I’ll just go on here and appreciate this. :grinning: I love RPing with the Hand, but being an Alliance boy at heart, I ended up playing more with the Tower of Krasha, which now has a Horde chapter, too.

Thus, this character has sadly been quite absent from the Hand’s activities… :neutral_face:

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